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some kind of hot

Last year I bought bhut-labeled seeds from a couple vendors. About 4-5 of the plants grew well and most produced pods (about 20-25 total). They were all definitely bhut-shaped and sized and way hotter than orange habs I've had. I thought I got fruit off this particular plant last year but it's possible I didn't. They sure don't look like that variety to me. Another one of the plants is just starting to set a couple fruit and I can already tell they are more elongated.

They range in size from about 0.5" to 1" in height and 0.5" to 1.25" in width (usually slightly wider than they are tall). None have ripened yet but they should be within a few weeks. I can post more pics later once I get some ripe ones.

Click here to see a bunch of pics: http://alturl.com/qorgh

Any ideas? Thanks!






Thanks for the info everyone.

I'll check in once I get some ripe fruit off of it.

If it was bhut last year, it should be bhut this year. I wouldn't sweat the odd shapes. Your plant's probably just in a hurry to reproduce.

That's what i was thinking at first.... could just be first wave of weirdos or something. Although there are about 75-80 pods on there now (with more coming) so I was thinking "normal" ones would've been coming out by now but maybe not.

it looks like you might have mites too. in some of the pics in your link

Thanks.. yea I noticed some of the leaves look crapped up. At first I thought it might just be due to spiders (I see them and their webs on there frequently), but looks like there is something else going on..
Here's a ripe one.


It smells like bhut, tastes like bhut, and has the heat of bhut. Like many pepper peeps I was probably worried about nothing. There are a couple more elongated ones growing now, so maybe it was just the first wave.

That said, I have some concerns about the way the inside looks. What's up with the core?!?


As pshngo brought up, I had to deal with some mites (and aphids and caterpillars...). Did they invade my fruit or what? I'll admit I ate one the other day that looked just like that, but I cut around the inside. Tasted good; hopeully I don't have some critters growing inside me now. I'm about to eat this one unless someone thinks that may be unwise.. :P