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harvesting Some Opinions Needed from my Harvest....

So I am just starting to explore the world of growing Hot Peppers, mainly to use in Chili's and Hot Sauces. As I am not a pro, I literally bought some plants, threw them in some whiskey barrels, and tended to them as needed. Well, I had a hard time getting started but now as the weather is getting cold, they all seem to be blooming......anyways, These peppers are all over the board in terms of looks, even with most on the same vine. I have Bhut Jolokias (regular and chocolate), 7 Pot Peppers, Trinidad Scorpions, and Habaneros.

I was wondering if you guys can help me figure out what is happening here....cross pollination, or just not what I think it is.....(sorry for the links, I was having issues getting images to embed)

Lets start with the Bhut's:



Now to 7 Pot Peppers (These are strange shapes on same vine):



Trinidad Scorpion:


Now for the even stranger Habaneros:




As you can see, even on the same vines, they are not consistent shapes and sizes, I am imagining there was a big cross pollination between all these guys,so who knows what kind of flavors and intensities ill get out of them.....any thoughts out there?

Thanks! Chris
From what I can see plants look quite stressed and unhappy which is probably why pods are not growing consistant
Unless Im missing something, you can't cross pollinate these guys. Otherwise its the genetic equivalent of putting square peg in a round hole.
Unless Im missing something, you can't cross pollinate these guys. Otherwise its the genetic equivalent of putting square peg in a round hole.

Yea, I wasn't sure they could cross pollinate either, but there is so much variation from fruit to fruit on the same plant. This is why I am wondering....I am also preplanning for next year, to see how I need to separate them...
If they were cross pollinated now it would not affect the fruit on the plant. Only successive plants grown from the crossed seed stock would show differing characteristics. It is normal to get different shaped pods on the same plant, chillis are cool like that!