Some photos - Megamastger71

Other trinidad scorpion morouga

That's Goofy, look at the buck tooth.
That would be worth a ton of money if you advertize properly on eBay....I kid you not.

Nevermind...I just read the date on the photo...

Noshownate said:
got any more pics of your devils tongue white and pink hab by any chance Marco?
would love to see more pics of them!

I just like seeing pictures he posts they are awesome. Thanks Marco!
Noshownate said:
got any more pics of your devils tongue white and pink hab by any chance Marco?
would love to see more pics of them!

I found these ...

the quality is not the best

but understands

devils tongue white


Haba pink

Yeah his pics are great. Looks like the haba pink is quite a producer. So your trinidad scorpion yellow is a superhot unlike the CARDI which I hear is more hab heat?

what variety is this?

oh yeah I see you labeled one of the pods as a 7pod Morouga blend yellow that sounds very very interesting!!!
kylestl said:
Yeah his pics are great. Looks like the haba pink is quite a producer. So your trinidad scorpion yellow is a superhot unlike the CARDI which I hear is more hab heat?

the trinidad scorpion yellow CARDI is not a superhot ... the trinidad scorpion morouga yellow yes !!!!!
Noshownate said:

what variety is this?

oh yeah I see you labeled one of the pods as a 7pod Morouga blend yellow that sounds very very interesting!!!

Yes ... been sent as 7 pod yellow ...

but the form is that of the scorpion morouga

more photos


