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pics Some pics of my plants!

Noshownate said:
Nice plants tom thanx for sharing hope all grow great for ya. i like the wheels on th epallet idea too!
oh yeah how'd the bud pinching go do you think it helped alot with vegetative growth?

Pinching the buds has helped my plants grow much bigger than they would have if I had let them flower a month or so back. I am glad that I did it, especially considering a month back it probably would have been too cold for fruit to set anyways, which would have meant that letting the plants flower would have resulted in a waste of time and effort for both me and the plants. So yep, definitely helped with vegetative growth and the general health of the plants!!
Hey mate, I got all my seeds off Trademe. There are a few people selling seeds on there, although I checked on there the other day and there seems to be much better variety of seeds being sold during the winter months compared to now. Apparently it is perfectly legal to import seeds into NZ, but they have to be labeled hardcore!
I stake all pepper plants now. I lost a couple last year due to heavy winds in my area. I found these green plastic stakes at Menards that worked pretty well. They came in a bundle of 20 and were 1/2inch diameter and 3 foot long, driven a foot into the ground, they were excellent. I also lost a couple tomato plants due to flimsy cages, which will be alot stouter this next season.