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pics Some P's and Q's (Pics and Questions)


Below are some pics of the peppers a sowed on 3/14. Being the noob that I am, I have some questions for the growing guru's. I had them on a window sill for the first week after they sprouted. I realized they weren't getting the light they needed so I moved them under an old CF 120 watt fish tank light fixture I had. They appear to be doing better now. Do they look healthy?

Orange Habs
Trinidad Scorpions
Douglahs - Just sprouted a few days ago

How big can they grow before I have to re-pot them into larger containers. They're in 10oz cups now.

Also, how often should I be watering them?

Thanks for your guidance!





Healthy? for the most part, some do; some not so much. a little spindly maybe.

Transplant: You will get a number of different answers, I would think twice the size of your largest in the pics.
Just transplanted 14 15 hundred the last few days about 4 times that big and they where root bound already.:oops: oops started my seed to early.
costly mistake!

Watering? When the soil is dry on the top for a little while drying and killing the fungus that grows each time you water, moist soil not soaking wet!
and if not all ready use a fan to gently keep the plant moving; it also helps with eliminating fungus growth and strengthens the stalk.

Nice start buddy, SC
You want to develop good root ball in the cups, so the roots reach all the way to the bottom. Ideally you want to be able to pull the whole ball out of the cup.

Peppers don't like wet feet, make sure your cups have drainage. It's better to let them wilt a little bit than overwater.

You can pick up a cheap shop light and some T8 6500k bulbs would be good for them. The light needs to get down to within a few inches or they'll get to leggy reaching out for the light.

All in all they're lookin pretty good, but like SC said a little spindly reaching for the light

Welcome to a great place for info on growing and cooking with heat

Keep up with the pics, everybody like to see your progress
I agree with both. Looking decent. A bit leggy reaching for light so lower the light down a bit. As far as transplanting, as LC said, make sure you have a good root ball first.
As far as water, i'd keep a bit on the dryer side. You will be able to tell when they need water, just listen to them when they talk to you. Plants will always let you know what they need (or don't need).
make sure those cups have some holes in the bottom for drainage and will also allow you to bottom water which will establish some nice deep roots.

Good luck on your grow! Looking good thus far.

My plants look much healthier after being under adequate light for a few weeks. Below are some pics. In the last pic, the leaves appear to be curling inward and the strange thing is, it's only happening to my jalapeno plants. Should I be concerned?

Edit: IE is acting up. Will post pics in a few.
not exactly sure what is causing the curling, could be a number of things, maybe to cool, there is a viral disease that causes leaves to curl and die and it’s spread by thrips and aphids. I am surprised to see flower buds appearing at this stage? How old are they?
not exactly sure what is causing the curling, could be a number of things, maybe to cool, there is a viral disease that causes leaves to curl and die and it’s spread by thrips and aphids. I am surprised to see flower buds appearing at this stage? How old are they?

I sowed them on 3/14 and most sprouted a week later so around 6 weeks. I thought it was a little early as well. The odd thing is, it's only my jalapeno plants that are doing this. The other 4 species look normal to me.
the leaf curl could be because the soil is too wet...

are you using a fan?...if not, put a fan on them as strong as they can stand it a couple of times a day...i use one 30 minutes twice a day when they are at that age..

think about standing on one leg 30 minutes twice a day with the wind blowing...and then think how strong your leg would be...same principle...exercise the stem...