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seeds Some seedling discoloration ?

Hey guys I got about 200 of 288 peppers germinated in 11 days but tonight I notice what appears to be some discoloration on a handful of sprouts . From a distance it looks purplish but up close it may be brown as far as I can tell they are healthy and it is not a characteristic of the pepper as others of the same don't have it could they be burnt from the light? These pics aren't the greatest I couldn't get the light or focus right lol. Man I never know of I should post these questions here or on my Glog? .. or maybe both?




hard to say from the pictures but my first two suspects would be either over watering or else too much light. If the problem is over watering, then lay off for a few days, increase the amount of warmth, and airflow if possible, and they should snap back. If its too much light, then its not a big deal, they produce purple pigment naturally as a form of sunblock. Living in florida, I frequently get pods and plants with south side tans.
How much and often are you watering?
hard to say from the pictures but my first two suspects would be either over watering or else too much light. If the problem is over watering, then lay off for a few days, increase the amount of warmth, and airflow if possible, and they should snap back. If its too much light, then its not a big deal, they produce purple pigment naturally as a form of sunblock. Living in florida, I frequently get pods and plants with south side tans.
How much and often are you watering?

Well they are in rapid rooter style plugs with no water underneath So they dry out rather quickly I water them with a spray bottle soaking then pretty good 2-3 times a day but with the lights and the fan they dry very quickly. I worry that they will dry out. How does over watering do this? And they all get watered the same and only a handfull have it. They get 16 - 8 light.
As I said its hard to tell from the pictures...

if you search the forum for over watering you might find similar pictures likewise with purple leaves/veins/stems/pods from whatever its called that the plant produces that acts to protect itself from the sun when needed.
As I said its hard to tell from the pictures...

if you search the forum for over watering you might find similar pictures likewise with purple leaves/veins/stems/pods from whatever its called that the plant produces that acts to protect itself from the sun when needed.

It looks more grey to me than purple, which I've personally seen be the result of over watering.... Though as I suggested, see if you can find some pictures here that match what you've got going on, and then go from there :)

Good luck! they are hardy things, but they don't like being over watered. I've never used the setup you have so I don't know... But my seedlings get watered every third or fourth day depending and only a tiny bit. But then I use jiffy peat pellets (mostly)...


a friend of mines pepper that is "damping off".
I went back and looked at them and it seems to have a purple hue to it, the stems are definately purple. I'm gonna back off the water a bit and see if it helps but can't too much as these little cubes dry out fairly quickly under the lights. If it is too much water they will recover right?
I don't think there is anything wrong with your seedling bro.

I went back and looked at them and it seems to have a purple hue to it, the stems are definately purple. I'm gonna back off the water a bit and see if it helps but can't too much as these little cubes dry out fairly quickly under the lights. If it is too much water they will recover right?

It'll be fine. You should transplant it so it doesn't dry out. I'd worry more about them drying out in this stage. If it was turning yellow, then I'd worry. If the true leaves come out yellow, then you should water em less. The purple stem is a sign of too much water, but it should be fine.

I water them a lot early on so they don't dry out. Mine have all come out well. Your soil looks very wet though. But it will dry out quick, so it's not a problem really. It won't like that once it gets its true leaves though. Keep an eye out for yellow true leaves.

Edit: When you transplant them to a bigger medium (cups or whatever) you will not want your soil looking like that. It's swampy looking. When you transplant them, then water them every 4 days. I mist them a bit here and there between the 4 days because the roots are still small and may not reach the water bellow the surface. This is early on though and not for long!
Well it could also be a sign of too much light, nutes, and just about anything else that can cause stress. Top two at least in my time here have been too much light and water. From my experience seedlings do better with too little water than too much... However transplanting is great advice.

What kind of lighting are they under?
I don't think there is anything wrong with your seedling bro.

It'll be fine. You should transplant it so it doesn't dry out. I'd worry more about them drying out in this stage. If it was turning yellow, then I'd worry. If the true leaves come out yellow, then you should water em less. The purple stem is a sign of too much water, but it should be fine.

I water them a lot early on so they don't dry out. Mine have all come out well. Your soil looks very wet though. But it will dry out quick, so it's not a problem really. It won't like that once it gets its true leaves though. Keep an eye out for yellow true leaves.

Edit: When you transplant them to a bigger medium (cups or whatever) you will not want your soil looking like that. It's swampy looking. When you transplant them, then water them every 4 days. I mist them a bit here and there between the 4 days because the roots are still small and may not reach the water bellow the surface. This is early on though and not for long!

Thanks but it's not soil it's rapid rooter style plugs and they do dry out quickly. The only water they get is through a spray bottle a couple of good squirts a 2-3 times per day. Within a few hours they can seem rather dry. I am holding off transplanting til they get some true leaves.
I don't think there is anything wrong with your seedling bro.

It'll be fine. You should transplant it so it doesn't dry out. I'd worry more about them drying out in this stage. If it was turning yellow, then I'd worry. If the true leaves come out yellow, then you should water em less. The purple stem is a sign of too much water, but it should be fine.

I water them a lot early on so they don't dry out. Mine have all come out well. Your soil looks very wet though. But it will dry out quick, so it's not a problem really. It won't like that once it gets its true leaves though. Keep an eye out for yellow true leaves.

Edit: When you transplant them to a bigger medium (cups or whatever) you will not want your soil looking like that. It's swampy looking. When you transplant them, then water them every 4 days. I mist them a bit here and there between the 4 days because the roots are still small and may not reach the water bellow the surface. This is early on though and not for long!

Thanks but it's not soil it's rapid rooter style plugs and they do dry out quickly. The only water they get is through a spray bottle a couple of good squirts a 2-3 times per day. Within a few hours they can seem rather dry. I am holding off transplanting til they get some true leaves.
It is light ... I found this


This is exactly what mine look like. Thanks everyone.
yeah, I was going to say, it is more than likely the light, I had mine and I thought it was over watering, but like you said, the leaves were not turning yellow just purple, which a little purple is fine, but depending on the type of pepper it will hurt it more than others, like my chocolate hab has it's cotyledons that are bright purple, but the rest of the leaves are a nice green, but I had 4 CFL lights 3"-4" or so from the plants and I was freaking out because they were turning a slight purple, but like you said, a purpleish/brown, (and I have burned my plants before from too much light when I first started, I had my 130w XtremeLED about 3" from the plants and I had measured it later at 132,000 lumens at that distance lol, but most of them recovered)

but anyways, from the new seedlings I have coming up they were looking bad no matter how much I changed their watering schedule, so I turned off 2 of the lights after measuring that the lumens were about 30,000+ lumens hitting each plant, so I backed the lights up a little and like I said turned off 2, so I think it is more like 10,000 lumens or so for them, but point being that at least until they get a couple of their true leaves, I have noticed that you can hurt them with too much light pretty easily.. I think most people don't have problems with this because either A.) they actually do water too much and that tends to hurt them more, or B.) they just have lights that are either not as strong or as close as at least what I have been setting them at, and it depends on the enclosure too.. but anyways, back the lights off or turn some of the tubes off or something, but reduce it and they will start to come back within the next day or 2.. at least the new growth will, the old growth will still look kind of crappy depending on how damaged it was.

and just to show you exactly what I am talking about, here is a pic of the seedlings back in Dec. when I had them under the LED super close lol

and here are 2 Tscorps that I almost fried, this is about about a week or 2 after turning off the extra 2 lights (probably just a week, but it seems like 2 weeks lol), the leaves you see that look the worse were actually starting to turn whiteish almost.. from just being bleached from the light (the 2nd pic was with the flash on and the camera battery died right after that, but you get the idea..)..
--and no to anyone who is thinking it, but they are not being over watered.. I just sprayed them a little bit an hour ago. which is why the soil looks wet..(they are slightly yellow from the fact that like I said, they use to be almost bleached, and the flash/CFL lights are giving them a lighter color than they actually look like in person)


hmm, can't get the 2nd pic to rotate, it is rotated in photobucket but oh well..
yeah that is way to close I think. I have CFL lights that are 100w replacements, and they say they are only about.. I think 1,400 or something lumens for them, but really I think that is at a couple feet, I can see you already have semi leggy plants.. did you have that light that close the whole time? or were they really far back or something and they are still that leggy..

if they have always been that close, then I guess that really shows the difference between the 2,700k (or 4,100k in your case, but still yellowish anyways) compared to the 6,500k lights.. I would really suggest switching to 6,500k lights and then back them off by to a foot or so or something like that. .like at even though 4,100k is in the "middle" of the road with light color and you might think you get a good range of both reddish and blue.. with fluorescent lights it's not really so much the case. they have a greater strength in that color that you get, so 4,100k is in the middle, so white..(which is suppose to be everything) but really the plants only use (for the most part) reddish and blue light... and everything in between is semi wasted... so with that said your best off just getting either a mixture of 2,700k and 6,500k lights or just going with the 6,500k lights..because your wasting a lot of energy on the wrong wavelengths of light with middle of the road color..

with HID lights it is a little different.. the 4,100k MH lights have a much much greater ability to give a more even color spectrum of light even though the main light color is 4,100k.. but if you had a 6,500k light or a duel arc light or something like that.. it would still be better since there is more light concentrated in the area of color that you want

but if that really is how close you have had it the whole time and the plants are that leggy, that is insane.. I never thought it would be that dramatic but I haven't testing it out at all, I've just stuck with the 6,500k lights, and i had a 5,000k light but it was always with a 6,500k light too.. but I also switched that one out so they are all 6,500k... the plants that I have a pic of up top and a few others that are in the same flat, despite being almost killed by drying out and then getting fried by too much light, are still only.. maybe a 1/2" tall, and have 1-2 sets of true leaves out already.. and I have a few left in party cups now that I am going to put in gallon containers with the rest of mine this weekend that are really compact and big and healthy, all under the 6,500k lights..

that's what I would do personally
The only ones that are leggy is tray one and that's because they germinated like really fast before I was ready for them. I had to pot up my big plants move them to my partners house, then get set up so that I could get them out of the dome and under the lights. So they were in the dome a few days to long. If you notice the other trays aren't leggy but I'm afraid if I move the light off too much they will be. I did move it up a couple of inches tonight should I go more ??
The only ones that are leggy is tray one and that's because they germinated like really fast before I was ready for them. I had to pot up my big plants move them to my partners house, then get set up so that I could get them out of the dome and under the lights. So they were in the dome a few days to long. If you notice the other trays aren't leggy but I'm afraid if I move the light off too much they will be. I did move it up a couple of inches tonight should I go more ??

Don't worry about the legs. You can just pant them and they will grow roots. I didn't realize light could turn them purple, lol. Probably because I never put them that close. Their leaves tend to fold before turning purple on me.

Edit: Some varieties tend to get leggy under the dome. Not sure why.
Don't worry about the legs. You can just pant them and they will grow roots. I didn't realize light could turn them purple, lol. Probably because I never put them that close. Their leaves tend to fold before turning purple on me.

Edit: Some varieties tend to get leggy under the dome. Not sure why.

I would like to plant them deeper when I transplant but I'm gonna be pitting into 3 1/2 - 4 inch pots not sure I can plan em deep . I saw 3 1/2 deep pots on line wish I could find em local
I would back them up to about a foot and then go down from there, but I would let them kind of "cool off" and repair themselves for about a week first before trying to move them down at all... people get leggy plants when they have really insufficient lighting or they just use window light.. if I can get away with having way more than enough light for seedlings at 6-10,000 lumens being 5-6" away.. then I think you can more than easily get away with the T5HO being a foot away.... I personally love having my light meter, it only cost me $15 or so and it has been worth every penny, takes all the guessing away for now close you need the lights and how far back you can get them.. especially when you have a wide area like in my tent, I use it to figure out how close I can get the light to the plants before I loose light in the corners.. so it optimizes it.. it's awesome.. + you know how much light your actually getting.. because it's way wayyy more than I every really expected with these CFL lights close like they are in the shelf I have setup