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some sort of rot?


Never seen this before, they all had the white patches which were soft and starting to rot on all but the one with the big patch, any ideas?

(Mods if this is posted in the wrong place feel free to move)
Seconded! It was the first thing that came to my mind, too when I saw the pics! Did you cut them open? Do they look allright on the inside or are there any nasties?
I'm pretty sure AJ is right, though!
dunno how they got scaled cos they were all under leaves. Never bothered cutting them open.
No great loss though cos the plants has plenty more pods on it.
I'll in with scalding just strange that no other plant was affected
Have a few of those to Dave just cant fathom what caused it no sign of infestation or anything else..Just on a few variety's to Anaheim,Big Jim :)