Someone knows what it's happening? HELP!

Hello everyone!
I've been growing this four capsicum annuum varieties around 7 months but they started to show this different symptoms at the same time. They started to drop all leafs, buttons, flowers and fruits. They looks like dried but are constantly watered ( not too much in order to prevent fungus, sopposedly).




The plants are located in a green house with min and max temperature registered of  15°C and 40°C .
I didn't see any insect or mites during this time.
Please, any suggestion of what is happening would be of very very much help! 
Kind regars
Definitely looks like you have a powdery mildew issue but I don't think it would fry plants like that. It is however a sign that you need better air circulation. I'm not sure whats frying your plants but I'm fairly certain better circulation will improve your grow.
High temps and no water for too long. Or the sun magnified through the glass roof scorched them.
7 months and all of a sudden this?
What changed and how fast did this all occur as a result?
Having just done a little research on the area you call home, my first question would be why you have these plants in a greenhouse, at this time of year.  According to, you live in a humid sub-tropical climate.  And while a greenhouse might work in the winter dry seasons, it's not going to work well for you in the summer.  The heat and humidity is too high - hence the powdery fungus in your pictures - and this environment quickly depletes oxygen.  And of course, the biggest reason would be the inability to take advantage of evaporative cooling.  (why someone in the Arizona desert benefits from a greenhouse, where I, in Florida, cannot)
Summertime and humid climates just don't work well.  Unless you have some sort of air conditioning that removes humidity, as it cools.  Of course, if all of your plants went bad at the same time, my next question would be, when did your temperatures start to rise?
Have you ever raised plants in this greenhouse successfully before in the spring/summer?
Welcome :welcome:
I've seen that on tomatoes,are you using a different fertilizer on them,when you watered them do you wet the whole plant?
Similar thing happened to me when i added a "supposed to be" really good bag of organic compost after a few weeks of planting.
hogleg said:
Definitely looks like you have a powdery mildew issue but I don't think it would fry plants like that. It is however a sign that you need better air circulation. I'm not sure whats frying your plants but I'm fairly certain better circulation will improve your grow.
Hi, after a quick microbiological test, it was not a powdery mildew. Also, the greenhouse manager says that they apply each 15 day a light fungicide. Is there any possibility of the fry is caused by a kind of over-saturated dose ?
Applying anything during daylight hours can possibly scorch a plant. Applications should only be applied at dusk.
The_NorthEast_ChileMan said:
I see other plants in the greenhouse, are any affected like these? Oh, and 
Hi, thanks for answering.
No, I just take this photo today:

The plants can be touching each other and there is not a continous propagation of any clear sympton 
mpicante said:
Hello and welcome.

Wow these are looking really bad.I'm afraid I'd have to say abort the grow.Since you have a greenhouse you should start over.
Thanks for answering.
So sad to hear this, but that's the last option that I have  :tear:
Sorry to see that your grow got messed up, but it's just another opportunity to grow some more.  If you're interested in trying some other varieties for fun, let me know.
Thanks for posting your issue BTW, it helps us all learn about the different types of growing pains are out there.
CAPCOM said:
High temps and no water for too long. Or the sun magnified through the glass roof scorched them.
7 months and all of a sudden this?
What changed and how fast did this all occur as a result?
Hi there,
I don't know if the temperature and sun light could be the cause. Temperature are register constantly and seems to be not so extreme at day.
Thats right, everything was too fast, first some plants started to drop many leafs (march) and then plants started to present symptons like in the photos.
This photo is around february, before start to fall down everything, and they look very healthy
Have you pulled any of the plants out of the pots to look at the roots? - make sure there isn't any root rot from staying damp too long, etc...
Just another idea
mrgrowguy said:
Have you pulled any of the plants out of the pots to look at the roots? - make sure there isn't any root rot from staying damp too long, etc...
Just another idea
This photos was taken today at morning. I discarded a plant cause it looked completly dried but the root seems to be okay. There is not any deformation or damp problems.

Kind regards