Something eating my pepper plants

It's always the chemicals that get grabbed first...
First off, those don't look like scale.  They look more like aphids.  The crusty bubles are "mummies" - aphids which have had an egg deposited by a parasitic wasp.  See here:  - Unless your photos are just that bad, I'm pretty sure that's what you've got going on.
Secondly, rather than putting something toxic on/around your plants, try something beneficial first.  You've got a caterpillar, no doubt about it.  They're really sneaky, and they'll always come out when you aren't in.  So here's a trick I like to use: spread cornmeal around the plant. In a ring, all the way around.  Many caterplillars love the stuff, and it makes them sick.  Like they can't move.  They're easy pickings when they've had their fill.  But you can also look for the guy in the dark hours.  Early morning or evening. What doesn't get eaten goes right into the soil.  Good business.
well I havent been able to spot a caterpillar except the black and red one i explained and it was only 1 but my plants are outgrowing the gorging from the caterpillars... So just sprinkle cornmeal in the grow bins they eat their fill and then are slow and vulnerable?


I like natural too, but aphids really suck. You can get pyrethrin on Amazon. I'd post a link, but I'm an effing hi-tech moron.
jakester said:
I like natural too, but aphids really suck. You can get pyrethrin on Amazon. I'd post a link, but I'm an effing hi-tech moron.
I guess since you said it... Odd that you'd need to go to Amazon to find Pyrethrin.  It's in just about every hardware store or garden center.  LOL
Aphids aren't that big of a deal.  If your plants are growing healthy to begin with, they just need a good spray from the hose every other day.  I guess if you're that bothered that they're present, that's one thing.  But they can't keep up with the hose treatment well enough to do any real damage.
Gymped said:
So just sprinkle cornmeal in the grow bins they eat their fill and then are slow and vulnerable?
That's pretty much it.  It's worked on several species of caterpillars that I have had in the yard.