Something is Digging!

I've seen little lizards in the garden but didn't think anything about it, not sure they are the guilty party. But something is definitely digging in my garden here in Charlotte. They seem to like my morouga plant. Any ideas on what this is or how I should take care of it, if it needs taking care of?



I suspect some sort of rodent,highly unlikely that it's from lizards! But then again,not sure what kind of lizards lurk out there in your neck of the woods! As far as I know,lizards eat bugs not roots though
Anyone have problems with rodents eating roots? I've never heard of that. At first I thought it might be a deer print impression, but it isn't, it's a dig for sure.
I have a hole also but not near my plants, it may be some time of rodent, mine looks like about the same size, but i never see anything in my yard but a black racer snake and gray squirrel.

It maybe a chipmunk? I know they live in burrors and they are about 3" or less, i think. So as long as your plants are not getting eaten your ok.
looks like chipmunk holes - I've had a lot of with rodent smoke bombs this year - unfortunatly the Chipmunks didnt
Squinnys? Racoon? Mice?

A squinny
Not deer track for sure, the cloven hoof mark is usally very clear. Squirrels will hide nuts etc than dig them up later leaving holes. I've seen chipmunks dig alot of shallow tunnels tearing up a garden. A mouse or perhaps a shrew.
Just a guess, have you seen any Armadillos around? They will usually dig more, but they are in search of Grubs and are only seen at night....
If the hole goes fairly deep then get your bb gun out or smoke bombs - have you seen any chipmunks around? especially in the a.m.
I filled in all the digs yesterday and this morning they did not reappear. So I guess for now the little creatures get a pass, but I'll keep an eye on it, the last thing I need is root eaters.
Maybe these chile miners are trapped underground now.

I looked in the mini mines before I caved them in, unless they were extremely small, nothing was in there. I know animals can get through holes much smaller than they are, but with digs, they usually resemble the size of the animal I think. I'm thinking the chipmunk theory is correct, and as much as I want them out, if they are chipmunks, damnit they are cute, and I'll have to catch and move them instead of putting bb's in em.
Mice, moles or voles would be my guess. I had this issue last year with a family of mice. They created holes and tunnels everywhere causing root damage and other things. I removed the screen from my window, loaded the scoped pellet gun and removed the entire family in a day.
I guess the biggest question is what are they after? If they're hiding things to eat later, I'm cool with it. If they're eating roots or disturbing the growth, not cool with it. I may go the trap route if I see the digs start to appear again, just to be positive on what I'm dealing with and what they're up to. Who knows, maybe they tried the morouga root and had to take a spicy hiatus before coming back. Those morougas are insane, they almost have the taste of pure pain. I'm really excited to have some growing but have absolutely no idea what to do with them.