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seeds Something is still eating my seedling leaves

I was told in previous thread it was white flies. I have sprayed for them although don't know what they look like, anyone have picture. :confused:
When are they attacking, as I check my plants all during the day?
Yesterday my only Fluorescent Purple looked great ,today it is gone..... :tear:
Yea I been having slugs eat into my pods. Scattered coffee grounds under plants some one said that would help. Also been going out about a couple hours after dark and just before daylight and pulling them off and throwing the in a cup with ammonia in it makes quick work of them. Just put the coffee under a couple nights ago got one last night and three this morning. Had to trash about ten pods already.

White flies just look like really tiny white specs that can fly.  Below is a picture but it's magnified, their shape isn't that distinct in real life due to how tiny they are.  You'd need a magnifying glass to get a really good look at one.  

Don't know about Florida this time of year but before the lady bugs come out here, aphids are my primary seedling threat.  Big holes in leaves or small ones, or some other sign of damage?  Big holes are more likely a beetle or grasshopper, etc.  Beetles sometimes like to hide on the bottom of leaves, check there after dark.
Here are a few pics as it is still going on after spraying BT and a white fly killer
Damage looks too large and isolated to be white flies,  more likely beetles, some sort of worm (moth, butterfly or similar larvae), leafhoppers, leafcutter ants, etc (or some combination, need not be only one villain in a garden).  I don't know which pests are native to your area.
One thing about BT, as far as I know it doesn't kill them quickly on contact so even an insect it ends up killing, could land, eat for a while, then fly or crawl away.  It could be that you are decreasing the number of pests in the local vicinity but not fast enough to be ideal. 
In that kind of situation, consider spraying the perimeter of the grow area - grass, weeds, whatever encircling them,  or switch to something with higher immediate toxicity like chemical insecticides then only apply those to the pepper plants.
I have a white fly infestation and I've never seen that kind of damage on my plants. Looks like worm munchies to me. An army worm or tomato hornworm will take a plant out in less than an hour if it has the chance. Just sprayed Malathion on mine to help with the whitefly and spidermites. Lets hope it helps and not kills the plants.
Good luck