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Something tells me it's not Aji Omnicolor

I had a lot of trouble with these and lost all but this one.. Supposed to be isolated Aji Omnicolor.
I was under the impression Omnicolor would start out with that wax bean color, similar to Aji Melocoton..
What is this? 
Thanks in advance. :metal: 


Streamer said:
Looks cayenne-ish.    
My Omni is loaded up as I type.  The first emerging omnis exhibited a purplish tone, then white, yellow, orange, and finally red.
That's what I was thinking too.. Have any pictures of yours? 
This is my Melocoton, and kind of what I was expecting colorwise.. Hard to see the purple blush/tan on these.
Indiana_Jesse said:
looks like an annuum seed made it in with the omnicolor, definitely not a baccatum of any kind.
The flowers sure didn't say Baccatum to me at all.. But this pod has that kind of fishbelly look a lot of pendant baccatum have, could be a cross?


With all the seed trading I did this year, I'd have to say I've been pretty fortunate.. In fact, most of my disappointments came from the seed I bought from a vendor. 
Annuum seed are infiltrators for sure! I have a pack of strawberry seed I got just because I could see a pepper seed in it and wanted to know just what kind of pepper sneaks into a strawberry pack.. I'll bet it's an annuum.

Someone else hooked me up with some fresh Aji Omnicolor to try out, so I'm looking forward to better results. 