health Something wrong with my peppers?

First off, pictures --
First is a shot showing the overall plant height. Not much concern there, but I really expected them to be taller by now. I started everything from seed in I believe late February with the plants a few inches from a 300w LED. Media used was Jiffy Seed Starting Mix then transplanted to the solo cups with Miracle Gro Organic Potting Mix. Some of the smaller plants were started a bit later... the chocolate habs and douglahs didn't seem to want to germinate. I don't think light is the issue as I would hope the LED is providing enough. Possibly the Miracle Gro, though I have just recently started using Neptune's Harvest Fish and Seaweed liquid fert (2-3-1 NPK, I think). Or, maybe I'm wrong. Maybe this is normal height. You tell me?
Second picture is what I am seeing with some of my plants. The majority of the leaves are green for every plant, some slight yellowing on some, but not bad. They are drooping though with a little leaf curl. Thought this was usually a sign of underwatering, but the soil feels moist about one knuckle in. I usually bottom-water 2~3 times a week by filling the outside solo cup about a quarter full. Some plants look perfectly healthy though, which confuses me. No signs of pest or mold.
Third and fourth pic are what my red bhuts looks like. They aren't green like I thought, but that purply-reddish color. All 3 or 4 of them or like this, so I'm guessing it is just the strain I got from pepperlover? Same thing though, leaves looks a dry, some leaf curl, and droopy.
Last pictures is an overhead shot, hopefully showing everything so you can see how things look. Working on hardening them off for plant out, hopefully within the week. Will be using a different soil for this, which is still TBA. Just pruned and topped the majority, as evident from the pictures. I'm hoping things are mostly good as there is quite a bit of new growth/nodes forming.
Diagnosis? Remedy?

Another question instead of a new thread. When I do decide on a soil and am filling pots, do I pack it all or do I just dump it until the container is full without any manual compression? Or somewhere in between?
to me( i could be wrong) thye look like they are over watered. when my seedlings were that small and i was growing outdoors, i could go 7+ days between watering, and i have always top watered but that is just how i do it. im sure one of the experts will chime in with what it is. but based on my personal experience it look like too much water.
I vote for overwatering to be a problem. Some of mine are suffering the same fate. For me, It's the most challenging part of raising theses guys.  Early on I made the near fatal error of drying out my seedlings and now I think I'm giving them too much.
Not sure on the bhuts. Good luck on those guys.
Soil compression- Somewhere in between.
For sowing seeds I firm it down a bit to create an evan layer. For transplants I like to slightly over fill, slight tamping, then push a dibble into soil to make a cone shaped hole slightly larger than the rootball, drop the seedling in and fill in with the remaining soil.

I got these from the web but I have a large one made from an old handle for stepping up "six pack" sized seedlings up to 3-4" pots and a smaller one for new seedlings going into six packs. Not absolutely necessary but a great tool to have. 
I have my 240W LEDs at 24" over canopy...3" sounds way too close...from the internode spacing this looks like the problem.