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Somethings killing them..HELP!!! what is it

what the hell are these guys,,,,?? spidermites???? i noticed the plants wilting... so i checked it out

Goccio D'oro and Bishop crown...--- plants courtesy of shane....

i thought it might have been overwatering or something... but i looked closer.. these guys are in ISO right now.. had to do emergency transplant (washed away all the soil)and put it in blue ribbon soil.. hope they can recover because im really excited about the Goccio D oro




in new soil

if anyone knows what they are let me know so i can do research and do something..
just really hope they arent on the other plants.. will have to check tomorrow...

sorry about the crappy iphone pic and video
They are indeed spider mites!!!
2 ways to solve it.

#1. Neem oil, 2 tablespoons to one gallon of water and spray the plant with it. kills them. also get the soil too.
#2 All pirpose bug killer simple and easy

10 cloves garlic, crushed​

2 large hot chili peppers

2 tbsp. vegetable oil

1 tsp. blue liquid dishwashing soap



Strainer or sock

Small jar


1 gallon bottle with spray nozzle

Take your garlic, and hot peppers. i usually pack it full of them like 10 or so. an d1/3 cup or water and blend it to a liquid and its nice and thin add more water to help it mix if needed. And let it run in the blender for about 1 minute. While thats going mix about 4/5 a gallon of water with about 2 table spoons of the soap and vegetable oil. Use only blue-colored soaps or soaps labeled as "natural." Yellow soaps often contain petroleum-based products. make sure you try to get nooooo bubbles kind of takes up room. then use the strainer or sock (sock is what i prefer) pour the blended juice into the sock (it will catch you by the throat so do it outside) and than squeeze the sock super hard into a bowl. and than make sure there is so chunks that went threw so it wont clog the sprayer. add to the water with oil and soap. mix and spray! and than mist the whole plants and the soil.

Soap helps the spray stick to tomato leaves, garlic's odor repels insects, the peppers' capsaicin burns insects and oil suffocates them.

Hope this helps!!!
Some mites hang out at the top they suck out sap and their saliva is poison to the plant, you need a 30x microscope and even then they look tiny as hell I always spot em at the base of the top developing leaves(your second and third pick show serious leaf distortion) I then proceed to snip of at the next good set of leaves down and spray the plant and all surrounding plants(mites piggy back on other insects like aphids or white flies) with a neem oil/pepper juice mixture. when you yanked your plants and washed the root ball you put your plants in serious shock, leave em be and take care of the bugs. GL
i do not think those are spider mites! spider mite live on the plant and make small webs in the nodes, spider mite damage id speckling of the leaves and small webs. you have some sort of soil infestation. i would get some nuclear stuff to spray on your soil to kill them. best of luck!
Some mites hang out at the top they suck out sap and their saliva is poison to the plant, you need a 30x microscope and even then they look tiny as hell I always spot em at the base of the top developing leaves(your second and third pick show serious leaf distortion) I then proceed to snip of at the next good set of leaves down and spray the plant and all surrounding plants(mites piggy back on other insects like aphids or white flies) with a neem oil/pepper juice mixture. when you yanked your plants and washed the root ball you put your plants in serious shock, leave em be and take care of the bugs. GL
already did the rootball washing...and transplanted.. hoping for the best

i do not think those are spider mites! spider mite live on the plant and make small webs in the nodes, spider mite damage id speckling of the leaves and small webs. you have some sort of soil infestation. i would get some nuclear stuff to spray on your soil to kill them. best of luck!
yea i figured they werent... just threw it in the air.... ive dealt with spider mites before .. just sickens me... just hope they survive the transplant and hope i washed them all off
Those bugs are decomposers. It is pissed off from getting its roots tampered with. Leave it in the shade for awhile and let it dry completely out. It is amazing how little water these things need. That plant on the right has about 30 leaves,it can't be going through a lot of water.
this is not spidermite damage...

if you washed all the soil off your rootball and put it in new soil, you probably broke a lot of the little "hair" roots that had inundated the soil...that's what takes up the water/nutrients....you probably have set back your plants by about a month if they live...they may live or not, it's up to how much shock those plants can take...
looks like heat got em to me.. they wilt like that when they suffer from heat exhaustion no need to worry though
spray some rain water on it and also suggest you use something to cover them from the hot sun.

like a green house.
sucks bro. hope you can win the battle.
hope so too... so far right now they are in isolation in a shaded area

Were they wet? And now it's hot......root rot.
they were dry and weight on the pots were evident that it had sufficent water... i added just a litlle just incase thats why you see the soil is wet

Those bugs are decomposers. It is pissed off from getting its roots tampered with. Leave it in the shade for awhile and let it dry completely out. It is amazing how little water these things need. That plant on the right has about 30 leaves,it can't be going through a lot of water.
i looked up decomposer bugs.. and the only thing i saw was sowbugs... dont know if its what i saw.. hard to see all i know was they were tiny mofos and were moving quiet fast....

this is not spidermite damage...

if you washed all the soil off your rootball and put it in new soil, you probably broke a lot of the little "hair" roots that had inundated the soil...that's what takes up the water/nutrients....you probably have set back your plants by about a month if they live...they may live or not, it's up to how much shock those plants can take...
AJ i was almost certain that it wasnt spidermites as ive dealt with them before... but with so many species of each pest.. perhaps it was somehow related to them.... as for the shock i put some of that shock stuff you get at wally world.. so far the bishops crown looks the same as before i transplanted it.. they are both right now in isolation in a cool shaded area and ill be giving them some softer evening sun... if they dont survive... lesson learned... good thing i have another BC... just sad because the goccio is the only thing i have and it was flowering.. wondering now if i shoudl trim the flowers so it can focus on the shock....

looks like heat got em to me.. they wilt like that when they suffer from heat exhaustion no need to worry though
spray some rain water on it and also suggest you use something to cover them from the hot sun.
like a green house.
after seeing the bugs.. i dont think its heat......i added some water and shade and it didnt bounce back...
I have a solution you could try.

use the peppers to make a pepper spray for your garden.

take some HOT peppers and soak them in water for a day or so fill a hose sprayer with the pepper
water to spray your garden/pepper plant with it. it may not work for some bugs like grass hoppers
..but it's good for most & critters & worth a try.

found this at Dirt Doctor under an organic insect control:
Spider mites Spray liquid seaweed and garlic/pepper tea and release green lacewings. Spray Garrett Juice plus garlic for heavy infestations. Make sure plants aren't being watered too much or too little.


I hope that helps & your plant pulls threw.
B1. Transplant.

the the bishops crown is doing fine and had bounced back. No problems. Goccio looks like a slow recovery and stems still green and strong. Just the leaves. The Trinidad perfume I removed the pods. And leaves. And is doing worse amongst the 3. Will update. Thanks all for checking in.
