Something's up in my garden

No problems this year until now.  Something has appeared and is rapidly moving through my in ground plants from west to east, at this point about 3/5 of the plot is affected.  A yellow mottling on the leaves followed by complete yellowing and dropping off.  Haven't had any insect problems at all this year other than an epic battle with earwigs early in the season.  I see what looks like leaf miner trails on a few leaves (see picture) but this wouldn't be causing this damage.  Bacterial? Fungal?  I've had to pull two plants so far (ouch).
Been growing peppers for 35 years and I'm stumped.  Any ideas?
Hard to tell but pic #2 looks like powdery mildew on the underside of the leaves...
I had earwigs last year and used small butter tub type containers filled with about 3/8 inch of soy sauce and a splash of olive oil, cover it with aluminum foil and put a hole about 1/8 inch in diameter in the center.  Bury this to almost the top of the container.
The next morning there were hundreds of them in there, dump and repeat.
Sounds crazy but they apparently like soy sauce...Google earwigs and soy sauce.
Thanks Vodu.  I've been making the same earwig traps you described  the past two seasons with amazing results.  But I used plain oil (corn, canola, veg, whatever) with a couple drops of fish oil.  Use tuna cans and you already got the fish oil.  Actually it even works with straight corn oil when you've got tens of thousands of them swarming across your yard like I had.  I will try he soy sauce trap along with the rest next Spring.  
Earwigs! I gotta admit at one point they had me, they nearly kicked my ass.  
They were terrible here too, coming in the house...heck in the morning leaving for work there would be 75 of then all around the door frame.  My wife did NOT like them dropping in her hair. 
I ended up sprinkling Sevin granules around the entire house and in the yard.  I didn't use them near my garden (trying to keep that chemical free) and that literally took care of 99% of them, I used the earwig traps in and around my garden. 
Because the Sevin killed the adults and probably the eggs, I have seen less than 50 the entire year...
Wustenfuchs said:
Crap.  I asked the county master gardeners and it's mosaic virus.  
I've got some seriously sad pulling to do.
Great, I also have some plants that looked just like that.  Some of mine I cut back and seem to be growing new growth and surviving. Others died or grew back in the same shape no matter what I did. Makes me wonder now if I should try to over winter any of the survivors if they are already a host to the virus. 
SL3 said:
Great, I also have some plants that looked just like that.  Some of mine I cut back and seem to be growing new growth and surviving. Others died or grew back in the same shape no matter what I did. Makes me wonder now if I should try to over winter any of the survivors if they are already a host to the virus. 
I didn't even think about that.  Do I overwinter or not?