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Sooooo...Who here vapes?

I tried a disposable e-cig back in Aug 2013 and never touched a stinky since then. Well i tried one and about gagged to death around a month after i quit.
Now its temp control all the way and wrapping my own coils. Anyone just starting wont have to suffer through the days of Clearos and Cartos but i did kinda like carto tanks. Getting good cartomizers got to be such a pain though. Tons of duds.
Vaping at 400F with a SS coil now and loving every minute of it.
jedisushi06 said:
i vape for sure i love it

just ordered new e juice from this company.
Checkout these places. Personally i like them better than vapewild and the price is very similar. Around $20/120ml.
Artisan Vaper  (80VG/20PG only) https://artisanvaper.com/
ITCvapes https://www.itcvapes.com/
White Label (MAX VG ONLY) https://whitelabeljuiceco.com/collections/whitelabel-juice
There are several more listed on the ECF forum that i have not tried like "The 1 Vape", "Humble Juice" and "Verde Valley Vapes". Verde is getting great reviews lately.
someguy said:
I work with a guy that vapes. I want to punch him in the face repeatedly . That's all he talks about.
Seems odd you would even want to post in this thread then?
The Hot Pepper said:
Someone started this to share their hobby, not to be ridiculed. Going to delete all the trash.
Thank you
For me its not really a hobby but a way to save thousands of dollars and not smoke. I tried everything in the past to quit and failed every time. Vaping worked the first try and now im down to 1/10th the amount of nicotine i needed in the beginning. Im no cloud chaser, just a guy that does not want to ever smoke again. The new products that have temp control ensure you don't ever burn the wicking material or create unneeded high temps.
For me, it was hard to find the right fit.

I finally got 40 days.

I won't lie, they say the first week is a mother, more like the first three were!!!!

My main set up is a Sigelei Fuchai 213 for my mod. The tank I have is a TFV8 Cloud Beast.

Is this your first time vaping? If so you might want to try the Joytech EGO AIO. It's very similar to a cigarette.
Im not up on the best current tanks. I can tell you to get a temp control device. DNA and Wismec based "mods" work very well. I dont need that much wattage so 75-100watts is plenty for me. I do have a 150watt mod but it never goes over 50watts. I got it at a steal so i could not pass it up.
There are several DNA75 chip based mods for around $100 or possibly less. They were the first to offer temp control a couple years ago. Wismec (a division of Joytech) based products can easily be found for well under $50. I paid about $44 for my 150watt but then you need batteries too. You can buy mods with built in batteries but when the battery will no longer charge the entire mod is trash.
To use temp control you also have to buy temp control coils. The coil is the wick and heating element for the juice. It can be replaced very easily in most tanks. Coils run from about $3-5 and may last for a week or more. Depends on the juice and how much you vape. I dont buy coils. I wrap my own from SS wire and organic cotton. It cost pennies instead of dollars but it does take a little practice to get it right. Many companies now offer premade temp coils with SS, NI200 or titanium and organic cotton for their tanks. When i started, temp control was basically very high dollar. Mods were $200+ and the only coils for temp control were NI200.
Pretty much all the major vape related companies now offer them. Read reviews or if you find one you like just ask here. There are lots of fairly good ones for under $50.
yea first time ever. i smoke cigars and a pipe very occasionally. never smoked cigarettes though.

i used to smoke a particular pipe tobacco blend (samuel gawith 1792)untill i would hallucinate... but never enough to build any tolerance.

what nicotine solutions do i need.
queequeg152 said:
yea first time ever. i smoke cigars and a pipe very occasionally. never smoked cigarettes though.

i used to smoke a particular pipe tobacco blend (samuel gawith 1792)untill i would hallucinate... but never enough to build any tolerance.

what nicotine solutions do i need.
How much nic you need is going to be hard to guess. Usually first timers go for 12-16mg or higher but if you use that in a high watt tank its gunna be brutal. It will be harsh and probably give you a instant headache. High watt vaping is normally 6mg or under. I use 3mg in my tanks and whats called a dripper or RDA. You will most likely go for a tank of some kind with a selection of different coils. The watt rating for your coil will play a huge part in how much nic works for you. The amount of air flow on the tank will also play a huge part.
If you smoked a pipe or aromatic cigars i would suggest trying what is called RY4. Its a tobacco type flavor with a little sweetness. Its very popular with people who are trying to quit. RY4 is not a brand, its a flavor made by many companies. I smoked Backwoods cigars before i quit and RY4 really helped. Now i wont even touch a tobacco flavor.
Go to a local vape shop and sample some juice. See what flavor profile you like but understand a local shop usually charges WAY WAY more for juice. Im lucky and one local shop has juice for a similar price as online vendors. I can get reasonably good juice for $20/120ml. Local shops will be $15/30ml or even $22/30ml for the higher end stuff.
sirex said:
I was dripping 12 for the first week!

I was vaping 24mg during mine but i wasn't dripping or using high watts. Back then 15watts was high and i was around 7-9watts. Now i use temp control set at 400F-420F and around 30watts most of the time. I just wrap my coils to work well in that range. Once in a while i may vape in the 50-60watt range but not very often any more.
Some of the fancier stuff these days needs way more watts to get any vapor at all. Im still using my trusty Kanger Sub Tank Mini with a rebuildable deck and .5-.7ohm SS coils i wrap myself. I will probably upgrade this Christmas since parts are harder to get now. Geekvape has a couple nice tanks and drippers that are easy to build on. I refuse to pay $3-5 for coils.
There be some serious mad scientists in here.  If you all put your skills to evil uses, the world would be doomed.  Seriously, I had absolutely no idea vaping went beyond buying a machine and some of that oil stuff.  Wow.
queequeg152 said:
wait, so i should or shouldnt get that evo AIU thing?
That is a tank and mod combined in one unit. If i was getting one i would either get the eGo One V2 or the eGo One CT. Both are similar to the AIO but you can use other tanks on them, You wont be locked into one tank and brand of coils.
They are nice simple little devices with enough power to get a good vape. The eGo one CT and VT also can use temp control and its no adjustments needed. Just fill and vape pretty much. No batteries to buy but like i said its disposable once it will no longer hold a charge.
Joytech eGo One CT
Joytech eGo One VT also allows minor watt adjustments Low Med and High
Joytech eGo One version 2
Aspire has a similar device, Available with built in battery or you can get the same thing that you supply the battery. Neither supports temp control
Add your own battery model
There is one drawback to devices like these. You may not get a full day out of the battery so when its charging you are SOL. Buy two if these types appeal to you or get one with replaceable batteries and also buy a charger. You can get the base eGo ONE for under $30 each. Good batteries run about $10-13 each and around $20 for a reasonable quality charger.
This place has some of the best pricing i can find anywhere Here is a list of starter type kits. https://vapenw.com/start-kit

man this shit is too complicated. its just a fog machine.. rite?

ima just get the first one. ill be back to bitch at sirex if it sucks bad.
and why do you folks call the coil assembly things "mods"?
The original vapes were built out of flashlight housing. It's a mechanical mod-ification.

I have a Kanger subtank mini I'm using as my backup flavor. Fried Oreos. Seriously legit flavor!!!

Now QQ, it's not the same as smoking. I had to power through the first bit. It's not just nicotine in cigs and cigars that keeps you coming back, it's all that other crap as well.

Good luck!!!
Word of caution. Make sure to prime a coil before hitting the fire button. DONT just fill the tank and start vaping the first time. You should put a couple drops directly in the coil. Make sure its all wet and THEN screw that into your tank. Now you can fill the tank and vape.
Burnt cotton tastes worse than ass and once its gets even slightly burnt the flavor does not go away until you put in a new coil.
MOD= enclosure with your battery and electronics. Early mods were no more than a mechanical switch for the battery. Those are now called MECH MODS.
Tank=Any thing you fill with liquid for vaping. Some variations though are not called tanks such as a dripper, aka RDA. You dont really fill those, You just drip in a little liquid.
Coil=The heating element in the tank. It consists of a wrapped wire and a wicking material such as cotton inside a small module.
The eGo AIO is a hybrid of sorts. All In One. In other words the mod and tank are one unit. The only serviceable/removable part is the coil.
Here is a cool review on the eGo AIO at the 13min mark This guy i highly recommend for vape stuff reviews.