RedtailForester said:
It's just about that time of the year again. Just about ready to go LOCO!!!
2013 ROCOTO LOCO will be going on sale within the next month. Stay tuned!
Love this sauce.  I'll be standing in line waiting for these to be released.
ArkansasJack said:
Looks like a cherry bomb. is it vary hot?
No sir Jack! That is a Rocoto (C. pubescens). They are very hot and have a very unique flavor reminiscent of a fresh green bean. I fell in love with them several years ago and now make a seasonal sauce with them called "Rocoto Loco."
ya, dem rocotos.
from a trade redtail and i made a few years back. i got some delicious gigantic fruit and they look just like it. plus, i popped in a few seeds in dirt and they are delivering as well.
i would put my money on "Rocoto Loco" as a good buy for a super sauce..... as are all Dan's sauces.
way to go RedTail! ............. may i say, i made a wicked nanking/sherbert cherry bbq sauce this year... just saying. cherry is the unforgotten fruit, especially the unknown varieties.
keep up the great work.
Is the coffee supposed to be a hint? That would be LOCO!