• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

sp33d DIY air prune pot grow glog 2014 (update 9-10-2014)

Ok I'm a newbie around here but figured I would create a glog to contribute...hope you enjoy and I will update it weekly ...hope I'm doing/setting up this glog the right way

Ok this is an all organic outdoor grow..yes I am an all organic gardener and landscaper but I do not preach like some do...grow whatever you want to as long as your growing something is my philosophy..
9- 5 gallon air prune pots, 1- 7-gallon air prune pot and 2- 20sh gallon pots
Pro mix HP with 20 lbs EWC and nutrient kit from buildasoil.com, all mixed and then cooked for a week under a tarp

Feeding will strictly be alternated every week between
Neptunes fish/seaweed emulsion
Tea brewed with EWC compost from my worm factory and bat guano

Watering and tea will be made and done strictly with rain water from my rain barrel

Strains in this glog are
Big daddy hybrid sweet yellow
Cherry pepper
Thai pepper
Mild jalapeño
Green habanero
Bananarama hybrid
Carmen sweet pepper
Chocolate moruga scorpion
Chocolate Trinidad scorpion
Chocolate Bhut jolokia
Yellow mini bell
Carolina reaper

Drilled 1 1/2" holes in 5 gallon pots for air pruning, lined with garden paper and covered with shelf liner to stop pots from heating up in sun

Pepper food
Worm factory for fresh EWC, bat guano both to make tea and alternate weekly with the Neptune's fish/seaweed emulsion

Rain barrel for water for the tea brewing and fish/seaweed emulsion..will strictly be using the rain water for all feeding and watering

Chocolate bhut jolokia

Mini yellow bell

Carolina reaper

I hope the little guy picks up soon..:)

8 site with controller DWC hydro system is coming along great , just waiting on a few parts I had to order that I couldn't find at Lowes or local hydro shop, once I get it all together I will make a build thread and then a hydro glog....thanks for checking in my friend...
Depending on storms today I will try to get out and get a update with pics... They are all doing great and growing like crazy...
Might be forced to stay inside due to weather so I will work on my homemade DWC Hydro system..
Jeff H said:
Let's see some details of this hydro system.
Indoors or outdoors?
Indoors in a 7'x7'x7' grow tent
As soon as I have all the parts(expecting UPS Tuesday) and finish building it I will post all the details I promise.........I just don't want to put the carriage before the horse , once I have it all together and I know it is right I will reveal it...
Ok folks here is the weekly update ..everything is doing ok...my Carolina reaper seems to be slowing down like my moruga scorpion ...I just don't get it ..same medium, same compost tea, same fish/seaweed emulsion , same watering schedule same everything as all the other plants and they just are not acting right ...pics below


As always , advice and responses always welcome ..

Here is the green hab..doing good in the 20gallon drum..flowers are starting to show up

Big daddy is doing great

With a big daddy pepper

Here is the reaper that just slowed down and looks all wrinkly and just ugly similar to the moruga

And the moruga

Chocolate bhut ...lots of flowers as well

Chocolate Trinidad ..picking up speed

Mini yellow bell doing great

Mini yellow bell close up

Carmen sweet pepper

Carmen sweet close up

Cherry pepper

Cherry pepper close up

Thai pepper
Most of your plants look great Tony! The only things I can think of that might be holding back the other two are either pests, unstable genetics or weed killer. Broad Mites infest tender new growth and introduce a phytotoxin into the host plant that cause downward curling leaves and stunting the plant. That doesn't seem to be the case here. You might have beetle grubs in the soil that are feeding on the roots of the plant. If you or a neighbor have used weed killer like 2-4-D on a windy day, those plants might have caught a dose. I've been reading about farmers who use weed killer at the edge of hayfields to eradicate Poison Ivy, and cows eating the hay grown nearby are passing the weed killer in their manure. You'd have to find that out from the source if you used any Cow manure. Lastly, if you got the seeds from another grower who has a variety of open-pollinated plants close together, they might just be unstable crosses. I have a plant like that I got from a THP member who made a Bhut-Pimenta de Neyde cross... I grew 2 of the F1 crosses out from seed and one grew normally while the other is quite stunted. You can continue to grow the plants out to see if you get any pods, but I wouldn't save any seeds from them.
stickman said:
 I've been reading about farmers who use weed killer at the edge of hayfields to eradicate Poison Ivy, and cows eating the hay grown nearby are passing the weed killer in their manure. You'd have to find that out from the source if you used any Cow manure.
I read an article on that too. I have and still do consider it a possibility as to why some of my plants look like crap and most are doing better. Here is an article on it. http://ohioline.osu.edu/aex-fact/0714.html Nothing fixes this but time. As the pesticides are flushed out or decompose, the plants can recover if they aren't damaged badly enough.
Thanks guys...yeah I'm gonna let them grow out and see what happens...I will take some close ups of the plants and see of you guys can spot anything ....
My Morugas have the same leaf crinkle thing going on but hasnt seemed to affect the production of pods or anything else that i have noticed so far.

Your plants are looking healthy!
Islander said:
My Morugas have the same leaf crinkle thing going on but hasnt seemed to affect the production of pods or anything else that i have noticed so far.
Your plants are looking healthy!
Thanks man that is good to hear..

I am brewing some tea with bat guano, fresh EWC from my worm farm, grass clippings, molasses and rain water from rain barrel... My garden, lawn and peppers love this stuff...


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sp33d said:
Thanks man that is good to hear..

I am brewing some tea with bat guano, fresh EWC from my worm farm, grass clippings, molasses and rain water from rain barrel... My garden, lawn and peppers love this stuff...
i should start doing this. but i dont have access to bat guano or earth worm castings.   ill have to look around and see if i can find them some where
magicpepper said:
i should start doing this. but i dont have access to bat guano or earth worm castings.   ill have to look around and see if i can find them some where
I bought a worm factory and 1000 wigglers and now have endless supply of EWC made with our food scraps and the worms probably have multiplied 4 fold... However you probably have a plastic tote laying around, just drill some holes in it and buy some worms from uncle Jims (that's all you would have to purchase) and you always have food scraps from eating... Boom fresh EWC.. Worms do the work for you..
sp33d said:
I bought a worm factory and 1000 wigglers and now have endless supply of EWC made with our food scraps and the worms probably have multiplied 4 fold... However you probably have a plastic tote laying around, just drill some holes in it and buy some worms from uncle Jims (that's all you would have to purchase) and you always have food scraps from eating... Boom fresh EWC.. Worms do the work for you..
its a lot easier to get stuff when you live in america. you can get anything and everything there. here in canada we are limited and a few years behind the u.s on some stuff.  lol    plus i dont think my parents would be happy about worms inside the house during the winter
magicpepper said:
its a lot easier to get stuff when you live in america. you can get anything and everything there. here in canada we are limited and a few years behind the u.s on some stuff.  lol    plus i dont think my parents would be happy about worms inside the house during the winter
That's a bummer cause I look at the prices that some people pay for EWC at the nursery etc and say no way..
They wouldn't even know they were there ...odorless (as long as you compost properly)....
im going to look into it, i can get fresh night crawlers for fishing but its not the same as the red wigglers for composting lol. ill have to source them some where.
Beerswimmer said:
I hear that, I'm up in Traverse City  :tear:    It's been a cold summer for sure.  What part of the Mitten are you in?
Southeast....you live in a beautiful area dude....love visiting Traverse....I play Arcadia Bluffs when I am up there...
The positive thing about all this is my wife walked out to our Florida room and said it smells like peppers....wish I could bottle that smell.....mmmmmmmm...
I absolutely love the tea brewing bucket modification I made a while back... I can't say for certain it makes better tea blah blah blah.. But it sure does work like a charm.... Used this batch for foliar spray for the. Entire garden .. Making another batch for the lawn..

Will update the glog with pepper porn within next couple days.. Since I have been alternating bi-weekly both foliar and soil drench between Neptune's fish/seaweed emulsion and fresh EWC from worm factory, bat guano, grass clipping, and molasses tea the peppers have just exploded...

Oooo buddy that AACT is ready!  Looks killer,  and your soil will love it!  Awesome Glog man,  glad I stopped by!  And p.s.,  thanks for your service to our country!  