propogating-cloning sp33d's DIY DWC/drip hydro system and DIY clone/seed germination/grow tent **lots of pics*

Ok friends of THP I have been getting some interest and PM's asking about the progress of my diy hydroponic system I am making ..So I figured I will start a thread ...I'm not done with it but I can start this and update as I go
***these are made by me but I used ideas and plans from others so I'm not saying or implying I came up or created these simple functioning systems, I simply took their ideas and made my own...****

What I am making is a system that is pretty much a GH water farm (sorry I stole GH' idea...) because I personally know a few people that have grown massive plants using the GH water farm but I didn't want to spend over $400 on the 8 module water farm so I spent just over $200 and made my own. I did have some things already so I didn't have to purchase them such as the buckets or grow modules I was able to get for free from my uncles wife , she works in the food industry..I had all the air line that I needed . I also had 64 feet of the blue tubing for the water/nutrient solution to flow to/from each module and controller /reservoir, also have numerous air pumps and manifolds from my reef keeping originally I got 2 of the 4-gallon buckets one each for the controller and reservoir but realized that I would be refilling it way more them I wanted to with has many grow modules as I will be running and the plants reaching fruit bearing size and age so I went ahead and just purchased a GH controller/reservoir for the 13 gallon and 8 gallon capacity..Much easier in my opinion that is my biggest $$ investment out of this whole thing and one of very few things I didn't make or modify...

So I'm waiting on some grommets and things like the such, also waiting on a new 4 gallon bucket from uncles wife cause I cracked one of them while I was drilling it . Also waiting for a bunch of on/off valves so I can put them on all of the in/out hoses of each bucket/module and controller/reservoir so I can isolate a single module separately for ease of cleaning etc...much easier then having to drain the whole system just to work/ clean one module etc...

I also made a cloning/seed germination machine (again I used ideas that I have seen on the internet that people sell for ridiculous prices..)... ..simply used an old 5 gallon planter cleaned it out , I already had a water pump from reef keeping days , I had to purchase some black tubing, spray nozzles, foam inserts and 2" net pots from local hydro store ...went to Lowe's and bought a sheet of acrylic and drilled out the holes for the net pots to fit..foam inserts fit in the net pots for clones or I can use rock wool that fits into the net pots for seed starting ..both have worked like a charm..I would say near 98% for clones I have done and seeds for my garden have been near 85-90%... I haven't done pepper seeds in it yet but I'm assuming they will germinate just as well as my cucumber, tomato etc seeds I have done for our garden...keep in my mind I don't use and matter of fact don't need a dome while starting seeds due to the humidity created under acrylic sheet with the under spray coming from manifold/nozzles..thought I would run into mold/fungus issues with the rock wool being sprayed but I have not as of yet, fingers crossed...

So here are 2 pics to get this soon as I get the new bucket from my uncles wife and the valves etc from UPS I will start my clones and maybe some seeds and get a diy hydro glog going ...I'm not sure if I want to clone some of my pepper plants that are doing well or start some seeds that I have received from THP members ....

My DIY clone/seed germinator
-5 gallon planter (already had for previous gardening)
-Water pump (already had from old reef keeping days) mine is 317 gph but a smaller gph would work fine
-Manifold (had to purchase and make)
-Spray nozzles (purchased from local hydro store)
-Net pots (purchased from local hydro store)
-Foam inserts (purchased form local hydro store)
-Rock wool (purchased from local hydro store)
-Sheet of acrylic (purchased from Lowe's) used my fathers 2" attachment to drill holes
-Knobs from cabinets to lift acrylic (had laying around)

DIY DWC/drip hydro system
-Ten 4-gallon buckets with eight 2-gallon inserts for the plant and growstone for a total of 8 grow modules
-air pump (dual diaphragm 80L/minute)
The following are inside of buckets and currently not visible
----air manifold
----air line
----60+ feet of blue tubing
----drip halos
----elbow fittings

-GH controller and reservoir
----Since I'm using the GH controller and reservoir that leaves me with two 4-gallon buckets one for controller and one for reservoir , I also only have enough room for 6 grow modules in my grow tent so that also leaves me with 2 extra grow modules so I am going to use the 2 extra grow modules and the original two 4-gallon buckets for the controller and reservoir for the 2 grow modules and grow something else just haven't decided yet, I will get this all finished and going before I worry about that..

Please stay tuned and follow my adventure always with me any and all feedback/advice or opinions are always encouraged and respected, so please post away...and most importantly enjoy ...
Slizarus said:
Can you list your type/wattage/lpm of your pump in the first thread? So we know what to use :)

The Hydro system doesn't use water pump just air... It's a generic dual diagram air pump 80L/minute... I have had it for a few years and don't have the box so can't give much more specific then that.. If you look at the Gh water farm 8 pack on their website that would be pretty much the same and that's all that would be needed to run 8 modules... Again I'm running 6 instead of 8 due to space in grow tent

The clone/seed bucket has an aqua 317 gph rating and is 120v/18w.... Any type of water pump with similar gph would work...

I will edit it in.. Thanks..
I will also post much more detail etc as I get this going.. I just wanted to get the thread started for my friends that keep showing interest ........
Went and got some more lines, grommets and got the on/off valves ...will have a detailed update with lots of pics etc within next day or so...

Also I learned while I was the local HTG supply hydro store yesterday they have "tea Tuesdays"... Just bring in a jug and they will give up to a gallon of fresh brewed AACT tea for free....even though I make my own I am going to take advantage of this cause they use a different recipe and also add in bacillus to their different recipe and the added organisms will definitely benefit my plants...

Thanks for checking in and being patient guys , I won't disappoint....
Question for Hydro growers

What is the best or what EC and ph tester should I get or work best?
Not looking to spend a lot of money but I want something that is quality aand that will last and is reliable..

So what brand EC and ph testers do you use?
I personally tried a few cheaper (~$40 or less) PH and EC meters, but they are turned out to be pretty crappy after a few months.  Some of them would need to be calibrated once a week, and others would simply just stop reading correctly.  I always stored them wet (never let the meter tip dry out) and took very good care of them.  I used Milwaukee, Hanna, and Oakton models.  The Oakton was the best but it still needed to be calibrated quite often.
I eventually gave up on cheap meters and bought a continuous system.  I bought a Bluelab Guardian Monitor and have never had a problem.  It was expensive at over $250, but well worth it if you have plans to do large hydroponic grows.  
Cheaper Units:
Oakton PH2
Oakton TDS Meter
Bluelab Guardian
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sp33d said:
Question for Hydro growers

What is the best or what EC and ph tester should I get or work best?
Not looking to spend a lot of money but I want something that is quality aand that will last and is reliable..

So what brand EC and ph testers do you use?
So, I've got a TDS (PPM) meter and EC/Temp meter from Hanna Instruments.  So far, I don't have any real complaints.  I don't rely on the temp readings because I've got a Milwaukee pH meter which takes temp readings.  Here's the links to the products I have:
TDS Meter:
EC/Temp Meter:
pH Meter:
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Ignite said:
I personally tried a few cheaper (~$40 or less) PH and EC meters, but they are turned out to be pretty crappy after a few months.  Some of them would need to be calibrated once a week, and others would simply just stop reading correctly.  I always stored them wet (never let the meter tip dry out) and took very good care of them.  I used Milwaukee, Hanna, and Oakton models.  The Oakton was the best but it still needed to be calibrated quite often.
I eventually gave up on cheap meters and bought a continuous system.  I bought a Bluelab Guardian Monitor and have never had a problem.  It was expensive at over $250, but well worth it if you have plans to do large hydroponic grows.  
Cheaper Units:
Oakton PH2
Oakton TDS Meter
Bluelab Guardian
Bluelab! Though the pens are only useful for bouncing off the walls (new style of calibration) or practicing your hammer swing (relaxation technique).
The mobile Guardian is a shade cheaper. I've always been a "Buy it once" type of person though, and don't mind shelling out a bit upfront. Certainly less frustrating than spending the same money separately multiple times on cheap easy-break solutions.
I've heard decent word on Oakton. Hanna... not so much.
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Thanks guys... I'm gonna go who a bluelab truncheon ...still deciding on ph tester...I'm the same I don't wanna go cheap
And then end up buying another cheap one a year later..makes sense to spend a few bucks upfront to get quality...
sp33d said:
Thanks guys... I'm gonna go who a bluelab truncheon ...still deciding on ph tester...I'm the same I don't wanna go cheap
And then end up buying another cheap one a year later..makes sense to spend a few bucks upfront to get quality...
truncheon is def. a good meter if you have the cash. 
regarding ph meters, well just search for my name + ph meter, you will find that i have gone on and on and on and on about this topic.
actually here.

most people underestimate what you really need to maintain a quality ph meter. 
i have the bench top model,  accumet AB 15. i dont bother with ATC probes or ATC thermocouples or anything of the sort... just calibrate to room temperature. let your samples equilibrate to room temperature as well. 
you will need two ph calibration solutions... 7.01 and 4. a wash bottle w/ distilled water. storage solution, wash bottle with tap water, and if you are measuring something sludgy with organics etc, an electrode cleaning solution is probably not a bad idea.
dont bother with fancy glass electrodes. they cost to much upfront, and electrolytes cost a signigicant sum. Yes all glass refillable electrodes are "better", but not worth the hassle. 
just get a cheap gel cell. get something that has not been sitting on a shelf for 8 years... i use the oakton cells from amazon. the last one i had was only 7 months old i believe. lasted like a year and some change.
you will want a stand to hold your ph electrode. all glassl cell or gell cell... droping ether electrode can shatter the glass membrane rendering your investment useless.
i reccomend a cheap burret stand... you dont need a massive 36" tall lab stand or anything just a small burret stand. get a small 3 prong gripper. a test tube gripper will probably work too.

id like to think i know alot about ph meters in general.

short answer is to just buy a "general purpose" cheap plastic bodied gell electrode and see how long it lasts you. AND buy a real ph meter, not a pen. pens are annoying, and poorly made.

you also need a set of calibration buffers, electrode cleaning solution, electrode storage buffer(an absolute must), and a wash bottle with distilled water. get a cheap lab stand with a small gribber or burret stand, that way you can hold the electrode... ive broken several electrodes trust me. keep in mind your salsas are going to get your probe dirty, if your probe has a shield its probably going to trap crap next to the bulb, when this happens you must wash it away with a jet of distilled water from your wash bottle. if that wont work, work it free with a soft brush or tooth pick, just be gentile with the glass membrane.

if this electrode dosent suite you, then so what you only wasted like 50 bucks. where as you could spend like 300 dollars on a fancy ross type glass bodied probe and find that its way too much hassle to deal with and unnecessary accurate and well built for your purposes.

scour ebay for a good lab quality meter, i bought an accumet ab15 for 100 bucks, it came with a good refillable type double junction ATC elctrode too. the ab15 will auto calibrate to which ever buffer you select and calculate your mv and slope automatically. what that means... is it takes you 1 min to calibrate your meter and not 15.

heres one... not a super deal or anything but what ever. just be patient.
queequeg152 said:
truncheon is def. a good meter if you have the cash. 
regarding ph meters, well just search for my name + ph meter, you will find that i have gone on and on and on and on about this topic.
actually here.
So no matter what ph tester I get I will need test solution to calibrate and solution to keep on probe during storage, correct?
you can actually, and in fact many do, store the ph probe inside some ph7 calibration solution.
i use the storage solution, mostly because its cheap tho.
oakton sells these tiny little 15ml bottles id reccomend for storage... they have a little rubber seal that tightens when your close the lid. they come with many electrodes, but you can buy them individually from oakton.
they basically seal around the tip of the electrode, and keep the bulb submerged in solution.
you could make your own actually, come to think of it....
you need 2 calibration solutions at a minimum... to form a mv slope between 4 and 7, the values you are interested in. if you want to measure ranged beyond 7 or 4 you neeed the additional buffers.
the electrode cleaning solution is only needed if you are testing substances that fowl junctions or membranes. substances like... mud, food products with fat and or oils, sewage water, grey water, etc.
the wash bottles i mentioned are important, tho not necessary, because they allow you to jet some clean distilled water around the glass membrane. this will rinse off old salts and debris quickly and easily, without leaving minerals behind from tap water etc.
a swirl in a glass of distilled will do the same however...
Ok so will get 2 calibration solutions and a cleaning solution when I purchase a ph meter...thanks for the advice

Is that a dab in your avatar?
queequeg152 said:
you can actually, and in fact many do, store the ph probe inside some ph7 calibration solution.
i use the storage solution, mostly because its cheap tho.
oakton sells these tiny little 15ml bottles id reccomend for storage... they have a little rubber seal that tightens when your close the lid. they come with many electrodes, but you can buy them individually from oakton.
they basically seal around the tip of the electrode, and keep the bulb submerged in solution.
you could make your own actually, come to think of it....
you need 2 calibration solutions at a minimum... to form a mv slope between 4 and 7, the values you are interested in. if you want to measure ranged beyond 7 or 4 you neeed the additional buffers.
the electrode cleaning solution is only needed if you are testing substances that fowl junctions or membranes. substances like... mud, food products with fat and or oils, sewage water, grey water, etc.
the wash bottles i mentioned are important, tho not necessary, because they allow you to jet some clean distilled water around the glass membrane. this will rinse off old salts and debris quickly and easily, without leaving minerals behind from tap water etc.
a swirl in a glass of distilled will do the same however...
lol i didnt know what dabbing was untill a few months ago.
its actually oleoresin from a solvent extraction. i have a thread up from years ago. fun with a soxhlet, i think thats what it was called.
queequeg152 said:
lol i didnt know what dabbing was untill a few months ago.
its actually oleoresin from a solvent extraction. i have a thread up from years ago. fun with a soxhlet, i think thats what it was called.
Lol nice.. Making pepper spray?
sp33d said:
Thanks guys... I'm gonna go who a bluelab truncheon ...still deciding on ph tester...I'm the same I don't wanna go cheap
And then end up buying another cheap one a year later..makes sense to spend a few bucks upfront to get quality...
Just looked up that Bluelab Truncheon PPM/EC meter and I just dropped coin on it.  The two I have now, I'll sell them to someone at some point.  I think I've got all the tools I need.  Awhile back, I picked up two of these ( ), one for each of my 10 gallon reservoirs. They are check and give me a reading that I can use.  They are not scientifically accurate, but a good ballpark number that I can monitor and regulate.
dlsolo said:
Just looked up that Bluelab Truncheon PPM/EC meter and I just dropped coin on it.  The two I have now, I'll sell them to someone at some point.  I think I've got all the tools I need.  Awhile back, I picked up two of these ( ), one for each of my 10 gallon reservoirs. They are check and give me a reading that I can use.  They are not scientifically accurate, but a good ballpark number that I can monitor and regulate.
Me to, just paid $99 with free shipping for the truncheon...
Alright fellas, I should have the new bucket today for the one I cracked...I got all the grommets, valves and plumbing I need ....

I purchased a RO/DI system for my hydro setup and will also make water for my outdoor stuff when my rain barrel is empty, which it is getting close cause it hasn't rained in in like 2 weeks(well hard enough or long enough to fill my barrel)...

Also purchased a blue lab truncheon

Also purchased sea-90 for my trace/micros for hydro system, also for foliar/amendment for all my gardens (indoor and outdoor)

Only thing I need now to get this system operational is growstone , rockwool , nutes and a pH meter w/up and down...

I will put this thing together to show everyone how I built it within next coupe days and should have everything I need to get it running within a week or two....

I'm seriously thinking about cloning my cherry pepper plant and doing a cherry pepper hydro grow cause I can never have enough pickled cherry peppers IMHO.....maybe I will throw up a survey and get everyone's opinion within next week or so...

Thanks for tracking along I really do appreciate it..