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smoking Spatchcock Turkey on the smoker

almost 15lb bird...been sick lately so didnt feel like brining it...just a simple rub with olive oil and spices..came out super juicy still

served with cornbread muffins and BLT Pasta Salad

hour or so in



off the smoker and onto the grill to crisp up the skin a bit


mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm -- I shouldnt have looked at this before lunch --

Ahem...BLT salad recipe ?
Wow that bird looks great. I did a smoked turkey one year and it turned out great, but the skin didn't turn out so well. I smoked it for about 6 hours in all. Next time I think I'm gonna pull it after 3 hours and finish it off in the oven to keep the skin from blackening. The meat was still tender and juicy, but the skin was a bit bitter and tart and the old lady says the skin is the best part.
LGHT said:
Wow that bird looks great. I did a smoked turkey one year and it turned out great, but the skin didn't turn out so well. I smoked it for about 6 hours in all. Next time I think I'm gonna pull it after 3 hours and finish it off in the oven to keep the skin from blackening. The meat was still tender and juicy, but the skin was a bit bitter and tart and the old lady says the skin is the best part.

6 hours? what temp are you cooking it at?

i usually Q mine at 260*F+.... at the end of the cook time, i open up my air intake vents and raise the temps up to crisp the skin... poultry doesnt need to be low and slow because it takes on smoke flavor so easily anyways. it is also not really safe to smoke poultry at lower temps... i think this bird cooked for 4 hours total.

the biggest problem with poultry skin is that it does take that smoke flavor and sometimes becomes bitter. i use a lighter fruit wood when i smoke poultry.. this last time was apple/maple and a couple oak chunks.
I don't recall the exact temp, but it had to be low as I also had some other items in the smoker. That was probably the problem. Too low and too long so it took on too much smoke and became bitter. I believe that was the first and only time I tried a turkey so I'll have to dedicate the small smoker to the turkey next time.
the turkey looks damn tasty! I like to inject mine when I smoke'em. & left overs are great for open faced sandwiches, which are great too.

lght - your wife is so right, the crispy skin is one of the best parts on the turkeys!! if ya cook it in the oven its great to dip the crisp skin in the juices at the bottom for the full flavor :drooling:
cheezydemon said:
Inject when smoking?????

ALWAYS inject.


ALWAYS BRINE!!!!! Although I understand being sick.

i always inject and brine as well.. i have been sick since the day after mothers day with the flu.. cant seem to kick this crap... that turkey was lucky it got cooked at all that day..lol