Specific care for super-hots?

As to your size question I'm not sure, but the pic looks great! It will be a long wait to ripen now.
I'm curious where you bought them? That really is quite a selection of superhots to come from a garden centre! I might have to stop by next season. Thanks.
The 7 pots should get 1-1/2 --2 inches across, and scorpions are smaller. 
At this point, patience is recommended. Super hots can sit on the vine full grown for 3 weeks before they ripen. The plants like to take their time getting hot. 
AaronRiot said:
As to your size question I'm not sure, but the pic looks great! It will be a long wait to ripen now.
I'm curious where you bought them? That really is quite a selection of superhots to come from a garden centre! I might have to stop by next season. Thanks.
If I remember correctly it was Terra Greenhouses in Burlington. 
The Carribean red and the Moruga Scorpion have just started to produce fruit. Now I just need to wait for the Butch T, SB and Naga. 
Hey, how long do they stay on the plant? The 7-pots are ripening fast, and I'm not at their level of heat yet!
If the fruit drop off the stems soon I might need to make them into powder. 