Speckled yellow chili leaves. Cause?

Hey there Hot Pepper Community,
I recently started (since Nov 2017) growing peppers (and other edibles) and would like to ask some advice about one of my Thai/bird's eye pepper (not 100% sure of variety) plants. I bought the chili plant back in mid November 2017. In retrospect it was not the healthiest plant as the leaves and flowers/fruits were only at the top quarter of the plant. After a small harvest, I aggressively topped it to just under half its size. Now the plant has grown back to its original height, but is much bushier and is prolifically producing.
However, I am puzzled as to why the leaves do not look a lush green. Instead, virtually every single leaf, even newish growth, has yellow speckles. The leaves are not deformed or curled, they just have yellow spots. The fruits are not deformed and the flower drop is not particularly bad. The plant is producing very very well with tasty chilis!
I don't think the leaves are supposed to be that colour, so I am curious to find out why. Could it be a virus or fungal infection? I don't think it is the result of pests as I check all my babies every day and I have seen no evidence of aphids or other bugs. The leaves are not deformed/shrivelled/wrinkled at all (unlike some other of my plants - will post separately). I am not particularly worried as it is producing well. Any advice/suggestions?



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Hey fellow grower,
Hard to say what's going on, could be to much water or not enough, soil, I'm not quite sure. I live in California in the valley and I do peppers and tomatoes. One thing I've experienced is my plants would grow with a satisfactory harvest but always in general part of plants would be looking kinda ugly.
I'm still learning, this year will be my 3rd year doing this. From your picks and my experience they seem to be growing and flowering so I wouldn't worry to much as long as they're produce.
Like I said I'm basing all this from my experience in growing peppers and tomatoes but other than that looking pretty good.
Good luck.
Hey there Peppermania,
Thanks for the reply. It did cross my mind overwatering could be a factor, especially since it is the rainy season here in Indonesia, but the plant isn't displaying typical overwatering symptoms. I checked the soil to see if it was waterlogged, but it seemed fine, especially since it is outdoors with no cover. In fact, the soil was draining very well.
Yes I am not too concerned about it as it flowering and fruiting pretty well. I did read somewhere that yellow spots/marks is a sign of mites, but I have seen no evidence of mites or other bugs on that particular plant, but several others have been hit by aphids :(
I guess I'll just keep harvesting :) It will be interesting to see what happens to the plant when the dry season kicks in. I'm hoping all my other pepper varieties will produce just as well.
Hi Chilidude,
Yes it's not very healthy, but is flowering and fruiting very well. Yes I did fertilize it every 2 weeks with granular NPK 16-16-16 before it flowered. Now I fertilize it every week with a soluble high Ph and K fertilizer. It's still the rainy season here with very little direct sunlight, which could be affecting the plant. I'll monitor the plant and hopefully when the dry season arrives it will bounce back.
Chile Jim said:
Hi Chilidude,
Yes it's not very healthy, but is flowering and fruiting very well. Yes I did fertilize it every 2 weeks with granular NPK 16-16-16 before it flowered. Now I fertilize it every week with a soluble high Ph and K fertilizer. It's still the rainy season here with very little direct sunlight, which could be affecting the plant. I'll monitor the plant and hopefully when the dry season arrives it will bounce back.

Then it is caused by too much water in the soil, maybe build some kind of protection against the rain.