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Spicegeist 2014 - The Year of the Bhut

This year I'm growing primarily bhut/naga types.
Not much to look at now, but thought I'd kick things off since I'm already starting seeds:

Here's my list:
  1. Red Bhut
  2. Choco Bhut
  3. Yellow Bhut
  4. Peach Bhut
  5. Shabu Jolokia
  6. Naga King
  7. Naga Morich
  8. Naga Suomi
  9. Dorset Naga
  10. Guwahati Bhut
  11. Pale Bhut / Bih Jolokia
  12. Jay's Peach
  13. Fatalii
  14. Lota Bih
  15. C. galapagoense
Spicegeist said:
C. galapagoense ripening:
chile_freak said:
sweet pods on that galap how they taste?
I haven't eaten this particular pod yet.. but from what I remember last year, they were quite nice.  Hot and a very distinctive flavor... difficult to characterize...
JJJessee said:
What's the flavor and heat profile on that C. gala. ?
Beautiful plant!
I can't describe it...  it's hot, it's wild... do you ever come to Blacksburg?  I'll just give you a few when the rest start ripening...
capsidadburn said:
Great stuff Charles as always.  What is the yellow pod?  Chinense... It didn't look furry as the galapa.
Awesome Galapa fruit explosion!
Ah... thanks for asking... that's my secret cross, I was looking for a yellow phenotype and I got one :onfire: .  They are very delicious.
If you want to grow any, I can send you some seed, which will be F3.
maximumcapsicum said:
Mine isn't looking that different... any pods on those Barracktepins set yet? I'll snap some pictures when I am out tomorrow.
Yes, please do!
Okay, I had a good number of runt pods on my Fatalli plants, but now I have some nice and shapely pods growing:


These are going to be so good... I can't wait!
Put me down for some of those cool yellow pod seeds later on this season Charles.  Thanks :P
Your Yellow Bhuts are probably the best plants I have going now, both in the raised bed and containers.  I am running behind due to some rough early outdoor time but all are setting fruit now.  Also the Bonda/ Y 7's are doing well I got from Gary.  The Tepin/ Barrackpores are hangin in but not doing as well as others I see on the forum.
Later Mike