• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Spicegeist 2017 – Twelve Variations on “Bhut Jolokia”

Besides my [not insignificant] overwinters and plants I already have going, I may only start these twelve seedlings of my absolute favorite bhut and bhut crosses:
Spicegeist said:
Thanks Paul.  I forget what number they are since I use the same pots each year and don't compare much.  I believer they're "#5" - but I'll check later...
Just wondered.  I've been thinking about going to
smaller pots and saving my big containers for assorted
veggies like eggplant, cukes and melons.  There are some
great patio varieties in the Territorial Seeds catalogue.  
also wanting to grow fewer peppers, and fewer varieties,
since I'm really liking the more focused grows on the forum.
jedisushi06 said:
Iv'e got your peach X going this year.  
Whoa, awesome!  Can't wait to see what the pods look like!
jedisushi06 said:
Which is the big plant in the top of the pics you just posted?
That is suomi x neyde F2... basically a bhutxneyde...
OCD Chilehead said:
Plants look fantastic

The plant in the first picture is spectacular. Stunning!

Great job, Charles.
Thanks :P .
Baby mantis on a plant:
Blitz527 said:
That twin pod is very unusual but kinda cool. First time seeing that? I've never witnessed it before.
OCD Chilehead said:
Great looking pods, Charles. I love the GuwaX. I hope mine turn out half that nice.

Twin looks cool. I've had a couple Annuum's that have done that, but never a Chinese. Very cool!
Walchit said:
That freaky fruit is cool, you saving the seeds From that pod?
Thanks guys.  I've seen strange fruit, but can't remember if I've seen this exact thing happen before.  I wasn't going to save seed from this particular pepper, but I have a few others on the plant I've got my eye on.
I shared GuwaX with a few people, I'm curious how yours will turn out too!  I really liked the fruit on this particular plant last year, but I didn't take care of it well enough to get a lot of peppers off it, but it survived my overwinter efforts and is looking strong now.