• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Spicy Chicken's MMXII Grow Log (The Hot Spot Pepper Shack)

Hello everyone!

Planting seeds is still a couple of weeks away yet but thought I would start out with an introduction and let you know a little bit about our place we call The Hot Spot or should I say what others call it, I call it a garden. ;)

Here is a little bit about our hobby farm and how we turned what once was an old abandon farm into our favorite place to be.

This is a family oriented hobby farm located in Northeastern Wisconsin. The farm is about elevan acres in size but we are utilizing only a small portion for the garden. Even though our growing time is short we use every day given to produce some of the best peppers in the state.

We have lived here since 2002 and our garden is just a smidge over 1/2 acre. As each year has passed the pepper garden has grown. Our garden for the year of 2010 had just over 1000 pepper seedlings planted, 2011 2000. Although no herbicides, pesticides, or chemical fertilizers are used, we are not organically certified and do not claim to be.

The compost that is integrated into the soil is procured from a large organic dairy farm a few miles from our home. The soil is sifted and mixed with the compost to create raised, plastic mulch covered beds, thus giving us the ability to control soil heat, moisture and weeds. As the plant grows, we denude the early buds, giving plants time to become strong and resilient.

After the first denuding, plants are then allowed to grow into a nice leafy foliage that produces great tasting peppers we are happy to be able to share with others.

From our family to yours, Thank you!

I am in the midst of building a grow room with a second story green house where this year I will be able to start the plants. Some of you may have seen the tread in Grow Tech category, might be interesting if you’re ever bored. http://www.thehotpepper.com/topic/23974-spicy-chickens-grow-room-and-greenhouse-makeover/f

Worked very hard at it last summer, my wife calls it The Pepper Shack.

A couple of before and after pics.





As you can see I have a long way to go, but at least I will be able to start the seeds in there, really looking forward to that.

More to come. thanks for looking! SC
Unbelievable Jeff! Podding has started! Be careful what you wish for in your case! I know you harvest most mechanically at the end of the season, but there has to be some manual harvesting going on during the season right???
How much to rent a spot to set up my tent this summer in between the rows?

A dollar two ninety eight, paid on the second monday of every fifty third week, That includes all the pod you can eat. lol

Thanks for looking buddy!

Unbelievable Jeff! Podding has started! Be careful what you wish for in your case! I know you harvest most mechanically at the end of the season, but there has to be some manual harvesting going on during the season right???

O ya have to keep up on those ripe pods so other will ripen.
Congratulations you had the winning post, 224; you won the first prize which is: you get to pick all of the ripe pod all summer here at Pepper-Ville WooHoo
All Joking aside, one picking mid to late summer can yield a substantial amount.
Thanks - Jeff
Congratulations you had the winning post, 224; you won the first prize which is: you get to pick all of the ripe pod all summer here at Pepper-Ville WooHoo

Sweet! I never win anything! If you lived closer I would gladly show up and help you harvest brother! If I was stationed in Great Lakes it wouldn't be too far out of the question!
Ok all you experts; what eating or happening to my leaves? and its not aphids. About a thousand plants have leaves like this but are quite healthy and growing great.


Thanks for looking, Jeff
Many of my young plants look just like that, I am guessing a combo of too much water and grasshoppers or some other pain in the ass insect. But what do I know :confused: I am sure they will recover and produce in due time:)
I would say caterpillars or slugs, but if they are still growing great then you have a buffet big enough that they can't eat them all. If they grow in population then there may be an issue.
Mine have that too. Its almost like the leaves look too healthy.. I dont know what it is. My plants are still budding and podding so i didnt worry about it

it does look like catepillar or inch worm
Haaa, me to Jeff.

Whats on the underside of the leaves? im not to concerned with mine just yet as they still seem real healthy (bar a few holes).

Thank you all for you input in the leaf damage and comments, I have come to the conclusion that since we had some high winds for about 2 days; three weeks ago I believe it to be wind damage just recently showing its signs of destruction. No hail and the underside looks normal just scredded.

Thought as long as I'm here, some progress pics. We have had some very unusual hot temperatures here in the last week or so which is kicking growth into high gear, but of coarse with heat come bud drop. overall still getting some pods.




Douglah, But not to sure about that.


Bhut Giants


7-Pod White.


Scotch Bonnet Yellow.


I believe these to be Brain Strains, (maybe) just interesting to see the diversity in leaf structure.


The Cows view. lol


Garden #1


Garden #2


Thanks everyone for stopping by. - Jeff