• This is the place to discuss all spicy commerical products, not just sauce!

snack-food Spicy peanuts

So easy. Take planters nuts or whatever kind.

Add a tablespoon of olive oil to the jar of nuts and shake thoroughly to coat.

Then mix in 2 tablespoons of any homegrown spicy powder and 1 tsp of cumin.

Sooooooo tasty!:mouthonfire:
That sounds fantastic!!!
I'm going to have to try that. I also love making spicy peanut butter suace and using it with chicken and noodles.
Take live ones and slightly fry them with the olive and powder. maybe a little salt, too... but that's after without the oil.
I assume you mean fresh ones (but since you have admitted to being drunk and naked in the Aussie Poll, who knows what you mean!!!!;))fried in olive oil? not olives. I don't think you can fry things in olive.;)

I can't get fresh or "live" ones around here. That would be good I am sure!

Anything is better fresh out of the frier.
cheezydemon said:
(but since you have admitted to being drunk and naked in the Aussie Poll, who knows what you mean!!!!;))

Omri, seriously man, put on some cloths...LOL...It's one thing to be drinking and get tipsy, but naked too...zeesh.:P
Pepperfreak said:
Omri, seriously man, put on some cloths...LOL...It's one thing to be drinking and get tipsy, but naked too...zeesh.:P
I'm drunk and naked, but it's ok! I'm with friends here. :lol:
Omri said:
Not really, just me. I don't really care what they think... it's comfortable this way. :P

Okay, you've lost me again...:lol: Are you the only one at your party that is naked? OR are you alone having a party by yourself and just happen to be naked? :think:
Pepperfreak said:
Okay, you've lost me again...:lol: Are you the only one at your party that is naked? OR are you alone having a party by yourself and just happen to be naked? :think:
not a party, just a bunch of friends... I'm the only one naked.
off to make some food.
cheezydemon said:
Mmmmmm.. you mean kinda pad thai? My wife is good at that. Yeah, the peanuts are kick ass.

I was watching that food show on the food network, where that crazy guys goes all over eating everything that looks repulsive. Well, this last episode he was in Minnesota and eat a hamburger with peanut butter on it. I thought, "hey, that actually looks good if you were to spice up the peanut butter" Next time I get the grill out I'm going to have to try it...
fry raw peanuts in peanut oil, 5 mins 320 Degreees, then add dehydrated onion & garlic,chili , paprika & salt. that's the mild version, add habanero powder on top of same for the hot version. If you want to know how to wrap a potato chip around a peanut, well that gets a little tricky.