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Spiders and Peppers?...???

Here I go with a serious, but probably a silly question...You all probably know by now my feelings about spiders, which can be pretty irrational at times.

So here it goes...Do spiders affect peppers, seed germination and or sprouts?

The reason I ask is because, I went into my basement and turned on the light in my unfinished grow room and saw to my horror 3 large spiders and yes, I stifled a scream and quickly turned off the light and upstairs I went. These were probably the size of a nickle (5 cent piece) or a quarter (25 cent piece).

*I'm sure you all are laughing now* :oops:

But, I'm serious...I went down there to check on the temperature because I was thinking that I could probably move some of my plants down there which would help with my severe space problems, thus enabling me to pot up my plants that are root bound. However, now I fear that I won't ever be able to use that room until at least I fumeagate.....Or start drinking real heavy.
Dang it I should have taken more pictures of my taratulas
when I owned 7 of them so I could send em to Paul:lol:
When I worked at the exotic pet store I was always bringing
home weird stuff :lol: but yeah I dont think spiders
can harm them they have to inject their venom into their
prey to break them down into fluids so I can see any benefits they would get from plants and the venom probably wouldnt work on a plant anyway so just scream at them but dont worry :lol:
btw I am the same way with bee's lol
Keep an eye on them, but just having them around will not hurt the peppers as mentioned, that is unless they start living amongst them spinning their webs all through them. I've had spider damage several times and have caught them living inside peppers and diseasing up my plants by having their webs and dead insects and guts all over my peppers..
Pepp3rFreak said:
Keep an eye on them, but just having them around will not hurt the peppers as mentioned, that is unless they start living amongst them spinning their webs all through them. I've had spider damage several times and have caught them living inside peppers and diseasing up my plants by having their webs and dead insects and guts all over my peppers..

I try to encourage spiders since they eat lots of pests. I found several aphids struggling in a web the other day:)
Thanks for the encouragment....Today, I hung lights and set up a makeshift table. Tomorrow I will be re-potting and moving plants around.

Pepp3rFreak said:
Keep an eye on them, but just having them around will not hurt the peppers as mentioned, that is unless they start living amongst them spinning their webs all through them. I've had spider damage several times and have caught them living inside peppers and diseasing up my plants by having their webs and dead insects and guts all over my peppers..

BTW, I had some terrible dreams about spiders attacking...They were all coming out of my peppers....LOL...Thanks
Have you ever seen a mud dauber wasp and spider fight? I watched a battle - the wasp would fly around and keep the spider (a fairly decent size black one) within a circle. After about 10 minutes, it finally got around to stinging the spider, killing it. An interesting side of nature.

wordwiz said:
Have you ever seen a mud dauber wasp and spider fight? I watched a battle - the wasp would fly around and keep the spider (a fairly decent size black one) within a circle. After about 10 minutes, it finally got around to stinging the spider, killing it. An interesting side of nature.

I've seen "Wild Wild West", does that count? :lol:
I just transplanted 10 plants and boy, were they ready. They were all practically climbing out of their cups...LOL...It is also so wonderful to be able to work on the plants while standing. I just can't wait to finish this room with my full grow area.

Well, here is my temporary setup...


All of my plants that I re-potted seem to be adjusting to their new environment well. Also, checked the temperature down there and it has gotten up to 78 f degrees, I was a little worried about that since the basement is usually around 50 - 55 degrees.

As soon as everyone is outside, I'm going to paint the walls white and insulate better, build some shelves and a work bench. This is going to be an awesome grow room...
Tom...These in the picture isn't even half of my plants...:lol: I have truly been running around trying to keep up with them all. They were so easy when they were just young seedlings, but now that they are teenagers, well...They are keeping me busy. Heck, I have some with 2 -3 inch peppers on them already (which I'll post some pictures of later) :)

I may have gone over board a little for my first year:rolleyes:
If I remember correctly, since I'm not at home to count, I have 74 plants plus I'm waiting on another 24 from Cross Country Nurseries. Oops, I forgot, I dropped one, that would be 73 plants at home...LOL...And yes, my wife thinks I have totally lost it...LOL

But, I have plans for them all which include drying and making powders, stuffing and freezing, pickling/canning, freezing whole and freezing after mincing in ice cube trays. :)