
During the past few days as I navigate this site, I've noticed the browser seems not to recognize when a page has finished loading. This occurs not only when I navigate between "regular" pages, but also when I'm in chat. This has only been going on for a few days. I hit the X to stop it after a page loads, but that's not something I should have to do. This isn't occurring with other sites that I visit.

Is anyone else experiencing this?
I've noticed the little spinning thingy, but once what i want to see loads...

...i just ignore it. Ignorance is BLISS! :)
LOL. You guys crack me up!

The continual spinning stopped yesterday. But at that point, I ended up not having the text box edit icons, and could only see fixed-width fonts like courier. That continued into today, but now suddenly everything's back to normal.

NOW I'm starting to think y'all are just messin' with me! :P