Splitting pods?

Hey guys any of you ever had pods split while on the plant. We had very heavy rain a few nights back and one of my bulgarian carrot pods actually split like an overwatered mater. I just don't know if this is normal or somekind of freak happening or what. I know its not insects or other pests or rot that caused it. Vertical split, not discolored or moldy or chew marks or anything else, just split. Anyone else had this happen??
No, I haven't. I've had them develope soft rot spots after a lot of rain, but I've never had one split like that. Don't see that it's impossible, though.
Is this one of the plants that had that soft rot spot problem last month? What ever happened with that?
I have never seen the splitting either.
No it isn't the same plant. I will have to take a picture if and when it quits raining. Looks like someone took a knife and split the pod about 2 inches long. Very odd.
okay i just went out and took one in the rain. sorry the photo is a little blurry but i didn't want to stand in the rain forever. has a second pod doing the same thing now too.

I've had that happen once or twice before, dont know why either. but once I've found a pod doing that I take the pod off the plant so it can grow another flower/pod in its place.
That's a much larger split than I imagined. That is odd! I sympathize, I have had a couple of minor set-backs my self this season. Even losing one pod can be frustrating! Let us know if it is an isolated event.