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Spongey's grow 2011


I am new and thought i would share my pics with you guys/gals. a few of them are young as i killed a few due to rookie over watering/ too much fert! lesson leanred for sure!
Pinguita de mono

Yellow 7 pot

Chocolate Hab

Chocolate Bhut

Mystery pepper, i am excited to see what it gives me!

Red Rocoto

Red HAb

Choc Bell for the GF

Jamaican Red pod the plant has about 13 on it right now

Devils Tongue

Thnks for taking the time to check out my "childern" :dance: :woohoo:

from what i am told here is San Diego i can actually grow year round as long as i bring in the plants when it starts to get colder. i am 1 mile from the bay so it very RARLY gets into the 30's usually upper 40's is the coolest it will get.
If it never gets even below 35 I would leave them out always. I would only bring them in if they are new plants, without the woody stems. Good luck to ya.
If it never gets even below 35 I would leave them out always. I would only bring them in if they are new plants, without the woody stems. Good luck to ya.
oh sweet! thanks! this is my first year of growing, so if i can get away with year round i will be ecstatic!

Nice looking plants Spongey. Spent some time in SD and SoCal as a Marine in the early 80's. Recognized your "view" right away. Welcome to THP.

Nice looking plants Spongey. Spent some time in SD and SoCal as a Marine in the early 80's. Recognized your "view" right away. Welcome to THP.

Thanks Mike! i love it here! and so far the peppers are pretty happy too! just wish it was about 10 degrees warmer each day! like today is was only 72 at home. but we are expecting it to hit 80+ on Sunday!

ok guys/gals and others, i wsa asked by a couple members to update my balcony pepper pics, so here they are
this is the mystery pepper it just set 3 pods today so hopefully as they get bigger you guys can help me identify it!


jamaican red mushroom turning colors :woohoo:

mystery hab cross or somthing


first choc hab pod set! :woohoo:


devils tongue 18 days in the DWC roots are out the bottom and its growing and the pod is only 10days old and its huge


thanks for viewing
That Hab plant looks nice and loaded, probably an orange hab, Does the weather you have in S.D. allow you to balcony grow year round?
That Hab plant looks nice and loaded, probably an orange hab, Does the weather you have in S.D. allow you to balcony grow year round?
well, that is the question of the year! :) last year got mites and before we moved to this place we trashed everything and cleaned it all at our old place and started new this year. i am going to try to grow everything year round, as close to the coast as i am i we should not get below freezing so i think i will be good! i actually have 6 sprouts 2 are going into DWC buckets 2 are going into soil for my experiment and the other 2 i will give to a buddy to grow. but i hear where i am it can be done so i will try and keep updating as the year continues! if it is possible you all will know!

Great looking balcony garden, Eric. Where do you find those insect traps?
i found them at the local hydro shop, but have seen them at regular garden stores. they were such a great find while i as having fungus gnat issues as they catch tons of the adults! what is nice is they are double sided so i would only expose one side at a time.

thanks you by the way! i am happy with the way its coming along we have about 10 other plants out there too! and about to get 2 more peppers with my experiment of the hydro VS soil.
I dig it when folks use every available space they can find to grow peppers. Dedication is cool. Best of luck to you.
Thanks PAtrick! i am lucky i have a great GF! there is just enough space to walk from one side ofthe balcony to the other! and i am adding at least 2 more plants here in the next 2 weeks!
Here in Sandy eggo its been an off season as it has been cooler than usual, here are the plant as of today finally getting some ripe pods off a few and others are just starting to set pods.
here is the view as youwalk out n the balcony

this is the devils tongue that i thought was a gonner then i revived it in the DWC and moved it back to soil and is taking off!


here is the mystery pepper plant it is getting BIG



Jamaican red mushroom


here is one of habs i got from home depot ripening, looks like an orange hab.