pests Spraying for Aphids Before or After Flowers are Off

I was wondering if it's ok to spray the plants with a water/soap or water/soap/alcohol solution while I have flowers/ pods starting or should I wait till after the flowers are off?

I already sprayed the plants off with a hose to get rid of them but I want to make sure they are gone.
are you concerned that the spray will effect pollenation?

i doubt it would, but ive never sprayed soap.

what are those salted rolls they have in buffalo? rost beaf with the horse raddish? my family is from buffalo... i remember eating that once, i loved that shit.
I haven't seen much if any damage on the plants except this one,but I'm not a 100% sure it was aphids but I'm not sure.

I picked off a lot from my biggest one that has pods and sprayed off with the hose. I read on here a few times on posts get rid of them before the damage the plants.

Queequeg that would be Beef on weck , along with wings and a Fish Fry.Weather sucks around here but food rocks .


beef on weck... thats exactly what im thinking of lol.

i loved those.

i was in buffalo for christmas back in like... 2000 or 2001? got like 6 feet of lake effect snow. it was nuts i almost missed my flight out because they could now plow the street because all the cars were hidden under the snow.
moruga welder said:
do you have / or seen any ladybugs around ?
No lady bugs , wish I had some along with lacewings and wasps.
queequeg152 said:
beef on weck... thats exactly what im thinking of lol.i loved those.i was in buffalo for christmas back in like... 2000 or 2001? got like 6 feet of lake effect snow. it was nuts i almost missed my flight out because they could now plow the street because all the cars were hidden under the snow.
That is what we call a Tuesday here lol
Ive never had issues spraying Bonide Fruit and Nut onto flowers that are infested with aphids.  I guess most still produce, but the aphids eating the polen is probably just as bad or worse than whatever you spray.
I have had great luck using a 1 ot sprayer that sprays foam & mix 1 Tbsp of Dr bronners Childrens soap with 1/2 qt water.
In the am or pm not midday spray the tips where the aphids are then after 1 hour. Aphids dead & Ants are off to find more
aphids & repopulate. Soap castile just soap works great & fast, Aphids & Ants have a rhythm they live by so watch then when
all seems like the Ants have brought them back & babies are all over, Give them a soaping again LOL.