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spring is here

some pics from the little home plot were I have just my favourite and cool bits growing.

finally some fruit from my mystery pubescens its probably got a bit more growing to do

and the flower

sorry its cropped for my avitar

heres a pic of my 7 pot. same plant as the fruit I gave to thehippyseedco to eat notice its not long and pointy but habanero shaped ....weird..... same plant no BS will have to see how the rest turn out.


anyhow not much but its a start spring only 2 days old here lol

Damn you and your +20C temperatures ;)

I'm still letting everything grow in the tent in the garage before it warms up here. Cut back all the plants I have put outside that look to be ok, and replanted a few here and there. Stuck a Bhut Jolokia in a 64L pot, will be interesting to see how that pans out.

One good thing thats happened recently is that the father in law put up a fence in the backyard so I can put some plants out there without the dogs going nuts on them, so more space for plants this season.

Definitely interested in what your pubescens look, smell and taste like, I've got 3 different varieties (well, depends if you call Manzano Red and Rocoto Peron differennt) growing and wouldnt mind more.
Fantastic looking plants for so early in the season..lol what season,My 7pot pods look just like yours mick :)
its been pretty humid here last few days, plants are going to go balistic next few weeks I can't wait. Going to be a good year
I am still waiting for mine to germinate!! Great looking plants Mick, i have to agree with MilkMan too!!
Where did you originally get the 7pot?
I've got a whole bunch of asian birdseye just went red. First ripe of the others is a race between a handful of 7's and scotch bonnets, couple of yellow congo's, choc habs, nagas & a single solitary douglah.
all have half grow pods.

It's going to be a great year for peppers:onfire:
Still/bent when would you guys stop germinating new plants..ie here most start late December through till about April..What about in oz ? :)
I don't like to plants seeds MAy,June and july they will germinate and grow but its a bit cold and they can get stunted In my experieance unless you use a heat mat and maybe a min green house or similiar.
talas said:
Still/bent when would you guys stop germinating new plants..ie here most start late December through till about April..What about in oz ? :)

Can germinate all year here but dont want young seedlings in winter in case there is a rare frost. & can grow all year outside (any plant over 3 months old will survive)....but wont get ripe pods (on most plants) until Sept > May.
The heat of the pods is directly related to the night-time temps as far as I can tell, I ran a few plants with green pods at the start of winter here & they didnt ripen until the last few weeks...& came out soggy with black seed.
Flowering & germination is reliant on daytime temps...temps here dip slightly below whats needed for about 2 months.
I've had fresh ripe pods growing outdoors on some plants all winter (mostly asian birdseye & Serrano) and they've been prolific producers, both in their 3rd year in the ground, they were very mild pods though, so still need a sauce supply :D

bentalphanerd said:
Can germinate all year here but dont want young seedlings in winter in case there is a rare frost. & can grow all year outside (any plant over 3 months old will survive)....but wont get ripe pods (on most plants) until Sept > May.
The heat of the pods is directly related to the night-time temps as far as I can tell, I ran a few plants with green pods at the start of winter here & they didnt ripen until the last few weeks...& came out soggy with black seed.
Flowering & germination is reliant on daytime temps...temps here dip slightly below whats needed for about 2 months.
I've had fresh ripe pods growing outdoors on some plants all winter (mostly asian birdseye & Serrano) and they've been prolific producers, both in their 3rd year in the ground, they were very mild pods though, so still need a sauce supply :D


Thank you,Some real surprises in your answers bent..So temps are more important than i thought not just sunlight hours there..which are aplenty,I will watch and get jealous of all your lovely plants to come in the months ahead bent :lol:;)

we need a sauce supply about 10 months a year and this year sales in sauces have gone through the roof..wonder why.
great pictures although it kinda makes me sad...knowing my winter is approaching...

you guys down under got me thru last winter with your pics and information...looking forward to it again this winter...

AlabamaJack said:
great pictures although it kinda makes me sad...knowing my winter is approaching...

you guys down under got me thru last winter with your pics and information...looking forward to it again this winter...


Was thinking the same A.J and what the hell to grow next season..Be nice to see our aussie Cousins and there plants :)
Ahh well at least you know that when the cold starts to bite you...that means we'll be making some nice fresh hot sauce with Oz hot summer pods to see you through. The winter pods really go back a few notches.
Unless you're name is Stillmanz or Scorpion. lol
bentalphanerd said:
Ahh well at least you know that when the cold starts to bite you...that means we'll be making some nice fresh hot sauce with Oz hot summer pods to see you through. The winter pods really go back a few notches.
Unless you're name is Stillmanz or Scorpion. lol

Yes Stills been constant on making his sauces i noticed and scorps just finding his feet :)

And then of course your good self R.B says your sauces are great :)
yeah, they got no problem finding the heat too. They're evil enough now...even Hippy admits the Stillz Naga/Fattali is the only sauce he doesn't use by the spoonful, what happens in a month or 2 time when the pods are peaking :flamethrower:
I know I've had 3 meals outta my Stillmanz Naga/Fatali & havent reached the bottom of the neck on the bottle yet.
As for Scorps 'Wrath of God' - I tried it once but I'm still trying to come to grips with 'Fiery Temper'.

This is all going to get kinda frightening around Xmas time.
Well just bought my youngest daughter a small car and insurance..I might have some money for me to spend again..After ive purchased a new greenhouse..Plants are living outside at the moment.
But Scorps was kind enough to offer me a good deal on his sauces and i must order some of stills to..Keep me warm in winter time,will send you some seed down when i harvest as i thought Yours and A.J Idea about sharing variety's and growing them on was a wise move..So ill PM you when seeds are ready and it'll be your birthday at an odd time of the year :lol:
talas said:
Yours and A.J Idea about sharing variety's and growing them on was a wise move..So ill PM you when seeds are ready and it'll be your birthday at an odd time of the year :lol:

oh goody i love birthdays :D

can u throw up a link to that thread by A.J, I should add to that with some new info.

& yeah Stillmanz Naga Fatli Paste will see you through a nuclear winter...it'll run the lights & all lol....his Divils Tongue Jerk Sauce will see you through 2 nights of bliss with fresh seafood that you will never forget. http://www.thehotpepper.com/showthread.php?t=4761

Scorpions stuff, well if you ever get the craving for the taste of fresh raw B.Jolokias - look no further.:mouthonfire:
the plants are looking really good.
that flower is very cool looking ! I kinda wish chile flowers got bigger so they could show off their colors better (ya know vs needing to be right by them & maybe holding the flower to see it) since theres alot of them that are cool looking.

I gotta ask ya something, since I've been wondering for awhile.
why do you put up all that plastic fencing around your garden/snails/etc.. & even above the snails. do you have some serious winds going through your location, or ?
I can see why some of your neighbors might think you're growing some weed :lol: (cuz you're hiding all your plants)
lol the neighbour on that side is an arsehole so I weed matted the entire 6 foot fence the length of the property.
the rest are in shade houses as the yard gets a good 12 hours sun and if they were out in the open it would just suck the water out of the place, also helps keep the humidity high, OZ sun in the peak of summer is pretty real everything seems to do alot better in the shade houses.
now it makes sence to me as to why you do that, sorry to hear you have one of "those" neighbors. I've had a couple of those neighbors before.