seeds Sprouted seeds - sun

I always germinate and grow seedlings under light before repotting them after their second or third true leaves. But people using the baggy method or keeping them in a seedling tray in a warm, dark place, when do they actually take them out of the dark stable warm place and set them in the sunlight or artificial light? just for curiosity.... 
As soon as there is green put under light or outside.  Seedlings are tough if they have proper soil conditions and can go immediately under the sun.
 I start my seeds outdoors with no issues. Not full sun at first but gradually work them into it. 
I've started directly in pellets and in the baggy... Both are effective, but I find there is less anxiety with the baggy method as I can see the progress sooner.

Same as above... Baggy: When I see a root or hook, it goes into growing medium. Pellet: once there is green, it's out of the dome and under the lights
As always I walk around thinking of new brilliant ideas. What, where? So, I remembered the hot water boiler! Its inside my kitchen, underneath the bench and built in with a loose cover in front! So I hit some jalapeños, fatalii, omni, habs in there last night in jiffy! Checked it out today and 11 of 12 jalapeños had germinated with a nice, long hook! Over night. Stuck a thermometer in the soil and it showed 39.8 celsius. And thats pretty stable in there. Now, most growers recommend 28-35, hows 40 looking? Anyone that knows? It would be a sweet deal if I could stock them in there in bags and propagators in the beginning of the year and dont have the mats and stuff hanging around. Its kinda like my "secret" compartment :D 

NorwegianChili said:
No qualified guesses on 40 celsius ? Thats about 110ish F?!
39.8C is 103F, with the sun directly on soil I'm guessing it could get up to 120F

all the seeds I planted in full sun never sprouted
all the seeds I put in the shade sprouted (soil temp was probably around 90F)

103 sounds perfect
Spikes in temp above 95f(35c) greatly reduce seed viability.  Prolonged temps over 100(37ish) will kill them for sure.  
Mill is not saying that it can't be done, only that it is not ideal. It will greatly reduce the chances of successful germination. It still can work, but you risk frying the seeds. Most growers here germ in the 82-88 degrees F range.
It is strange that the jals sprouted, maybe because they are a heartier variety? But I agree, over 100 degrees is no bueno.
NorwegianChili said:
So my secret compartment is not doable :((( sucks.... but, how come the jalapeños sprouted in 8-10 hours in 40C? 
 No, its actually a great location and almost perfect.  Put a towel between the water heater and the starting tray then take temps again.  If needed fold it over.  
Did leave the board in front with some opening on it, reduced the core temp of jiffy soils to 35. But thats with the given temperature in the room. If it rises, that will rise, and if it falls the core temp will fall.... guess I need to drop that solution :/ 
Its pretty airtight in there. With a towel the "air" temperature will still be around the high 30´s. Man, a good idea I hoped would work, but ill try with the towel anyhow to see 