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Square Foot Gardening with Super Hots?

It seems alot of people are growing super hots in containers. Are there any advantages in doing so vs a square foot garden? The only thing i can think of is maybe overwintering them? I have a 4x8 square foot garden with a nice airy soil i mixed myself (1/3 peat moss, 1/3 vermiculite, 1/3 differing composts). In 2010 season, my plants (peppers, eggplant, herbs, etc) grew really well in it. Probably because the soil was airy which allowed the roots to spread laterally easily with no bounds :D. Here are some pics of my square foot garden setup.




I may try both square foot garden and container gardening with superhots.
Welcome, neighbor!

Very nice bed. It should be perfect for whatever you want to grow, superhots included. On which side of the house is it?

I'm growing superhot for the first time this year, as well: Trinidad Scorpion.
a lot of us have used 5 gallon containers to house single plants, and it definitely looks as if you're gonna have far more soil volume per plant than we do. so i gather you'll definitely be ok.
Very nice setup. I can't help suggesting this. Extend the bricks 2' wide to the end of the house and line it up with container plants. The advantage of container plants is you can bring them inside (or move to a better part of the yard) when the weather is bad or the temps are too hot/cold. This way you can do both for very little cost and increase your success rate. My best success last season came from the container plants. We had unusually cold and rainy weather and I was able to save them by moving them in and out of the house. In the fall, I moved them into a greenhouse and this resulted in zillions of ripe pods. My garden tomatoes and peppers did terrible because of the weather. Good luck!