St. Lucia Pepper seed give away (CLOSED!!)

Hey no problem man. The seeds are here for whenever the sasbe's arrive. Be it tomorrow or next month. Was just posting a reminder to those that haven't posted yet. I am not rushing anyone so sorry if it seemed that way. :neutral:
I've been moving to a new place in the last couple of weeks and waited to get the new mailbox set to receive my mail. So I didn't want to send it and end up receiving it at my old place.

I'll send the Sasbe this Monday as well. Sorry for the delay. Thanks again.

, Vegas
Dan sent me seeds in the first round. The dried bird peppers have a very nice, savoury flavour. Mid-heat, around Cayenne or a touch hotter I`d say. I also have 14 seedlings from the mixed bag - some are obviously C.annuum and some obviously C.chinense. Can`t wait to get them outside and see what they produce. This is great fun!!! Thanks Dan.
Seeds arrived and some pods.
I agree, I tried one of the pods and they have an excellent taste!

Can't thank you enough, these will be a great addition to future grows and the only small type like this I have!
That is great!! I am happy that everyone is pleased and receiving their pods and seeds. It has been a pleasure sharing this pepper out to my pepper growing family!

Anyone have pictures of popping seeds yet? I planted all the seeds from a bird pepper pod and I believe they all germinated as the cup is full of sprouts. I put one into a ping pong ball to try that AIASP grow competition.
