Stakes or Cages

I was wondering on peppers and tomatoes.  Do you guys stake or cage or both?  It is very windy here in Oklahoma and I could use all the support for plants I can get within reason.  I helped my parents build some heavy tomato cages for their stuff this year, but wondering what to do on my Scotch Bonnet pepper plants.
Ty for any help =)
depending on the size of the plants you may need to have a couple posts and support with 1/8 - 1/4 inch yarn/rope. I have some tomato plants that have outgrown their large cages and need additional support. That is my new weekend project. 
The only pepper plants I've grown that need support are usually some Aji varieties that grow tall (5-7) feet. I'm hoping I will need to support some of my rocoto's later in the season.   :)
I have yet to find a cage for either that I like. Me thinks they were designed for mourning glories. Stake em and you not so committed to the support.
I use 5 gal. pails so it's stakes for me because I wire tie the handle to it and the plant grows around it. Lesson learned years ago when I left the handle on the side then needed to move the pail,..... Plant prevented handle from coming up past about 45° making it useless for lifting pail.  
Ty for all the comments.  The winds can be brutal here in OK, very common to have 20-30mph winds in a day with no storms.  I will try stakes with the handle up like suggested for more support.  If it gets bad enough I will slip a giant cage over them around the bucket.
I cage my tomatoes and stake my peppers. That is, until I run out of cages, then I stake my tomatoes too...Or in the case of this year, I run out of stakes, then I cage my peppers. 
What I'm trying to say is...both work, just use what's available. As long as you support the plants you'll be okay. I've had great success using all means of supporting. One year I even used old tent poles, because I had them laying around. 