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seeds started some seeds

I started some seeds last night so i thought i would share what they are.

hot cherry
chilli,chile goats weed
bhut naga
bhut jolokia

I also have some super chilli F1 hybrids that i might start as well.im not sure yet because im still waiting on some sort of "pretty purple pepper" seeds to come in the mail that i want to start also.these are gonna be grown indoors in pots so i am limited on space.
Im gonna have lots of questions so,please bare with me.lol

I put the seeds in the black plastic seedling cups with a seed starting potting mix called green thumb.
i watered it and put the seeds in about 1/4 inch to 1/2 inch below the mix using the back of a pen to make the holes and then covered them up LIGHTLY packing the mix.
I put the cups into a plastic rotissre chicken container which seems to be working pretty good.it holds two four packs of the black seedling cups.
it is sitiing on a heating pad on low and the temps are pretty steady around 84.2 to 86.2.
there is a ceiling fan above them for air circulation.

anything i should have done or can still do to increase the success.please tell me!
You go dude! What are you using for light? Just window or do you have a grow light? Your season is shorter like mine, so you might need more then just a window come fall. Just my 2 cents!!!!!!
i have a couple flourescent full spectrums for now.
i need to research the others for when it is time to switch.
I dont have them on now because i just started the seeds but if it would be beneficial than i will.