Starting a Permaculture Garden

After doing some reading, I'm feeling compelled to convert my garden plot to a permaculture garden.
Anyone else growing using permiculture techniques?  What have you found successful with peppers both in terms of growing partners and soil maintenance?
I have read up on permaculture for 20 years or so & attended a few workshops on the topic years ago. I incorporate some of the principles but wouldn't call what I do permaculture. Definitely organic, sheet mulch, try to get away from straight lines, fruit trees, etc.
jblo said:
After doing some reading, I'm feeling compelled to convert my garden plot to a permaculture garden.
Anyone else growing using permiculture techniques?  What have you found successful with peppers both in terms of growing partners and soil maintenance?
I would recommend you join this huge group, and ask your question there.  It has subforums for both Hot Peppers, and Permaculture.  It's been a helpful forum for me, but like any forum, you'll have to decide which advice to listen to.  If you get any help, could you post it here, again?