Starting a photo database

Hey guys!
Let me formally introduce myself on here, my name is Lawrence Jones. I live in Hixson, TN and have loved growing hot peppers since I was 10 years old. My neighbor got me into it and gave me my first seedling....the Red Savina Hab, it was my baby. This is really why I received my degree in Biology so I could learn more about them.
But my job here is my photography business, I shoot weddings, portraiture, families, etc. my website is
Since recent controversy over peppers coming to market it got me to thinking " Why not start a database per year" so we can look back on peppers genetics Phenotypes year after year from differing growers. Or new crosses that need to be documented so we can keep track of their phenotypic characteristics. 
I mainly want to focus on superhots because they are the most crossed peppers, but if anyone has some really interesting crosses of other peppers I would love to photograph them as well! 
Please do not take this as me trying to get free seeds or pods or whatever. If you want to send me something I can pay shipping or if you want to send me a box and want me to pay for it, i'll be more than happy to! I just want to get this database started for us all to use!
-Lawrence Jones
The problem I see in this is you would have to study and record the plant growth habits to be able to distinguish between the different strains because pod shape can vary some much a photograph of a pod is almost pointlessless especially with superhot crosses. For example brainstrain and tsmb even with photos of plant characteristics they are nearly impossible to tell between the two also you would have to ensure they are isolated and consistently bred to the correct phenotype which in most cases is subjective.
I admire your interest and desire to document through quality photography Lawrence. It would be interesting to see, if only you could keep the silly drama out of it. Some of the members here have fantastic photos and label their chiles very professionally. Good luck.
I like the longitudinal aspect of the idea.  I don't know how you'd distinguish that from the variability that already exists, but seeing how phenotypes evolve over time (or preferably, don't) would be very interesting and useful.  
That's what I'm trying to do here, trying to see the variations of peppers and how they change if at all depending on the varieties! If anyone has any input please PM me with them and I'll work on it!