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Starting Jolokia

Hello all, first time posing, I have decided to try my luck at some bhut jolokia, all I have grown in the past is just the normal jalapeno cyenne type peppers, thought i would try something more exotic. I have them in a small indoor greenhouse with a heating mat to regulate the temp, I had 3 of the peppers sprout up about 1/4 inch with two leaves but then kill over dead in about 3 days, none of the others have sprouted. Forgive my ignorance but and I doing something wrong to have them kill over almost immediatly after they sprout up?

Thanks in advance for you help.

ps, just some added specs im using just common miricale grow potting soil and watering the plants when the soil looks and feels dry.
:welcome: Well, if you are waiting 'till the soil looks and feels dry this may be the issue. Without looking at them it may be hard for the best information.can you post a pic .?
May be any of the following
After germ you left them on the mat a.k.a you fryed them,too much/too little water excessive outside(greenhouse) temps ? You dident feed them or anything did you?
Just giving them water, I was afraid of over watering them so im thinking the temps plus not enough water was the problem, Since the weather has gotten hot here in alabama I have since moved them to a outside greenhouse to give that a try. the temps are staying in the high 80's now in the day and then droping some at night, had to leave the door open on the greenhouse because the first day I had them out there I checked the temp and it had already gotten up to 107, They were not in there long before i noticed so i have seen leaving the door open keeps them in the high 80's during the day,
Does the miracle grow have nutes in it? If so that is problem #1. Are the seedling getting good light??? That may be problem #2? Also, how did you water them after they sprouted? Read some more, High temps arent good like that for babies
Im not sure about the nutes, this was just the standard miracle gro potting mix, as far as watering I started out with a spray bottle since i was afraid of overwatering, I have since started just lightly pouring the water into each section of the tray because the spray didnt seem to give it much water it dried up real quick.

post a pic of the dead green babies if you possess that technology, can speculate all day, but a visual reference will help 10 fold in helping you along in reaching the overlying issue. The MG mix, wont over saturate your plants with nutrients on its own, but it is heavy on the peat. And peat trends to be hydrophobic, more-so when temps rise, this creates channels through the substrate in which the water flows through. Unless your are bottom soaking the pots/containers, your roots may be lacking proper hydration if you find it dry all the time......but.......Pics!
Aw man, lil JChampion(s) have falleth, I never like to say "this is definatley what happened" as there is a multitude of causes and ailments that take out our green friends, with a picture its always more-so an educated guess. But yes, that pic certainly helped, from the looks of it, damp-off. That's caused when conditions are favorable for certain species of fungi to thrive, which then takes out your plant. That looks like post emergent damping off, the thin lil brown twisty lil stem who fell.