starting peppers earlier - questions

hey there !

so last year i started my seeds on the 28th of february and i was quite happy with the plants.

however, this year i would rather have less but bigger plants and thats why i would like to ask if
i can achieve this by simply starting them already now in january and that's it.

or if some strains got some sort of a genetic height they will not surpass ?

you can tell its just my 2nd year in this hobby, so far i am still far from experienced.

thank you alot !
C. chinenses should probably be started the earliest. I usually start my chinenses in January, and the rest in February or early March. Its just a matter of having enough space and lights for the plants until they can be brought outside
The key is you need to have enough light and space to grow your peppers. They are perenials so they can live several years if you keep them out of the cold. With that said you can basically start your plants whenever you wish. My seedlings have been started in batches over the last few months. The earliest was in august, the latest was a week ago with one more set to go, I'm waiting for my seeds to arrive. Have fun and remember growing peppers isn't as hard as some people make it out to be. They are tough, might not always look their best, but really are hard to kill off.