seeds starting seeds anyone?

just wondering if anyone is starting seeds for next year im currently starting some seeds because we have mild winters.
and i would also like to know how are your winters? im intrested to see how many of you absolutly cant start seeds now without having to go indoors
Never too late to start seeds!
You should have no problems with SoCal climate (lucky you!).
I have a good numbers of plants started 1-2 months ago and a will try to overwinter some with all sorts of tricks in a small greenhouse and an even smaller indoor setup but in winter our temps drop to 20F sometimes...
We only have a few weeks outside that get cold in Feb./March.

I grow year round outside and always do Annuums and Baccatuns all winter for fresh pods.
A lot of stuff grows well all winter here.

Some stuff won't pod up until Jan.

For an early spring crop of anything I start early.
I find our heat in early to mid summer shuts down pod set.
I learned to start stuff real early and late summer for year round pods.
Mid summer sucks.
Heat and bad bugs rule the hot days of summer.

Get pods early and late works best for me.

Summer is a fight between sun burnt pods,mites and grasshoppers.
Pods aren't as good in summer.
Spring and early fall stuff are a lot better.
I live in the Van Nuys area of the Valley and grow in pots only.
Ocho Cinco said:
There is no chance at all that I could keep anything outdoors. It gets way too cold here. I'm going to wait until at least January to start my seeds. I'll have to keep them under lights until at least April. 
Same for me here, but I allready started to sprout some seeds to put under the lamp for the winter.
I started some BBG7 seeds on august 1st, selected the nicest two to grow through the winter indoors. We can have frost in September here, nights are already getting cool with a few nights in the 40's already. Summer goes fast in Maine.... really fast.  I brought the one plant indoors already I plan to overwinter, a yellow brain strain that's loaded with pods. 
Current status LOL... :D


, Walter
Vegas_Chili said:
Current status LOL... :D


, Walter
nice! those plants look really healthy! im also starting some seeds in a areogarden. when do you transplant them?

smokemaster said:
We only have a few weeks outside that get cold in Feb./March.

I grow year round outside and always do Annuums and Baccatuns all winter for fresh pods.
A lot of stuff grows well all winter here.

Some stuff won't pod up until Jan.

For an early spring crop of anything I start early.
I find our heat in early to mid summer shuts down pod set.
I learned to start stuff real early and late summer for year round pods.
Mid summer sucks.
Heat and bad bugs rule the hot days of summer.

Get pods early and late works best for me.

Summer is a fight between sun burnt pods,mites and grasshoppers.
Pods aren't as good in summer.
Spring and early fall stuff are a lot better.
I live in the Van Nuys area of the Valley and grow in pots only 
what do grasshoppers do? i had one on my plant the other day. im fighting the dreaded pepper weevil! i lost half of my peppers to it. is anyone else fighting them?
Datil said:
Never too late to start seeds!
You should have no problems with SoCal climate (lucky you!).
I have a good numbers of plants started 1-2 months ago and a will try to overwinter some with all sorts of tricks in a small greenhouse and an even smaller indoor setup but in winter our temps drop to 20F sometimes...
hope your plants make it
Virginia is too unpredictable.  We can go from a 15º December to an 80º January then drop into snow storms all the way into April. 
Edit: but I will be starting some seeds indoors for the winter, I'll also have a few winterized Anaheims.