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seeds Starting seeds on a budget?

I have been using four foot T-12 and T-8 florescent lights forever to grow my plants in the basement,I use the natural sunshine plant and aquarium bulbs.....they are under those lights for at least two months before they get to go outside.
Malarky said:
i use 6 T12 fluorescent tubes(3 fixtures)...so yeah just shop lights
these are old lights and they don't heat up so I put them right on top of the plants.
I got a mylar emergency blanket from Walmart for like $1 and I use that to reflect a little light back at the plants.
Good Luck
Yep, I do the same with those blankets, haha. I just use T8 shop lights for now. I'll eventually go T5 or DIY LED though.



U)<now said:
I can find my pics for the pvc stand if you'd like to build one similar. I think it was around $20, maybe a little more.
Very nice setup!
Sounds like you want to start indoors from seed, harden them off and then plant outside.
That's my workflow as well. One of the least expensive ways is to build a grow light support unit out of pvc. Get some chain and hooks, T8 fluorescent light fixtures from HD. For shelves, I use 2'x4' MDF board
My set up is made out of 2 x 3 lumber and lag screws but above will  get you going.
To save $ instead of buying a heat mat for your seeds to germinate, use an oldschool laptop charger or similar, those things normally get just the right temperature. So you can rest your box with jiffies on top of it (as long as it's not leaking) and it works great.
On a budget, Huh? I'm a cheap Arse!

Pick up the seed starter things for a couple bucks in the fall when they go on clearance.

Use Mama Mags heating pad too get EM going.

Have a T5 Ferry Morse light I got from Walmart Mart 2 years ago.