Starting weight loss w/ the consumption of hot peppers?

Pepperhead1989 said:
Look it up. It's been proven that 80% of the weight loss happens in the kitchen and 20% comes from the gym. Going to the gym is for health and cutting out a lot of crap will help you. Working out and eating Doritos and drinking a coke will not help at all.
I agree with not eating crap but you can be trim and eat crap, not that I want to! Then you only look healthy. People can eat Big Macs and work out and look trim.
Develop healthy exercise habits now. If your college experience is anything like mine, you are probably consuming 3000+ calories per week in alcohol. For example a Bud Light (or natty light/keystone light/insert shitty beer you drink in college here) has about 100 calories and if you drink 10 per night 3 nights per week it's easy for those additional calories to add up. IPAs can have over 250 or more calories per beer. And if you get drunk, order pizza with some buddies, there's easily another couple hundred calories.

Some of my friends developed daily exercise habits in college and carry them on 10 years later. Some of us didn't, and the difference, 10 years later, is a lot.
All I can contribute to this one is that adding some spice via chiles makes healthy food, which can often be boring, a lot tastier.  Unfortunately for me, it also makes fattening foods more delicious too... as far as capsaicin kicking your metabolism up, I can't say for sure whether ot not that's true.... but it hasn't helped me much. hahaha
Ride a bike.  To the market.  To buy some peppers.  :dance:
moruga welder said:
cutting out bad carbs , drink lots of water ,  cut portions down , cut out processed foods, sugars , eat more natural foods and exercise will do the job .  Shot of organic apple cider vinegar a day .     :onfire:
what does the ACV do as I'm doing all the above religiously for the past 4 weeks. ?
We all eat spicy anyway so it's not like some fad diet like the grapefruit diet. Shit, I hope it helps but if not hey we are eating what we like!
I do not,or ever will do any kind of work to loose weight.
BUT when I did want to Loose Weight,I did find Green Tea to Help out.
I eat Peppers every day-mostly supers.
The Cancer thing is B.S.
Lymphoma B is back.
I will admit.due to nerve damage from/during Chemo,supers were like eating Jalapinos.
Lab tests are done mostly Not from Eating peppers but using the stuff in peppers in extracts under test tube conditions to get the desired results from the Paid For study.
Yes,I changed my diet,but work is work.
Not in my schedule,I have a 14-16 hour a day work Schedule.
Why would I waste my 10 hrs. or less at a gym?
I'd spend it fishing or doing other things.
Hmm,spending time with things like a lady friend,fishing,re loading ammo to target shoot,my leather work,brewing beer ...
For me Diet worked with Green Tea.
I don't like Sweets.
That I think along with fats are the problem.
My tastes are mostly for Fresh fish,2nd is a good cut of meat (smoked or grilled) then comes Chicken.
It's just what worked for me.
All I eat includes some form of peppers.
Sweet to supers.
Depends on what I'm cooking.
I'd guess,people who say peppers are a weight loss thing is because the started eating peppers every day or hotter peppers in their food,not before...
They are probably eating less food due to the fact that they read supers or whatever help you loose weight.
Might be the heat makes them eat less.
PS. A cup of green Tea won't help-I don't think.
I replaced the pot of coffee and cokes I drank during the day with green tea.
Could have been the lack of black coffee or diet soda that did it.
I don't know.
I lost 80+ lbs. at 10-15lbs. a month and kept it off until I had to deal with Cancer.
SavinaRed said:
what does the ACV do as I'm doing all the above religiously for the past 4 weeks. ?
According to one source:
I'm not convinced, but i'm gonna try it; get me a bottle of Bragg's and slam a shot each day, before work.  I use plenty of vinegar in my hott sauce, but i wanna get the unfiltered crap with the active cultures ("mother") included....
I used to make and drink tons of 'booch; i think it's got the same properties, but too much residual sugar to really promote weight loss.
Bicycle808 said:
According to one source:
I'm not convinced, but i'm gonna try it; get me a bottle of Bragg's and slam a shot each day, before work.  I use plenty of vinegar in my hott sauce, but i wanna get the unfiltered crap with the active cultures ("mother") included....
I used to make and drink tons of 'booch; i think it's got the same properties, but too much residual sugar to really promote weight loss.
i been taking a shot every morning for a year now , i use Braggs also.  I know quite a few people who use this and swears by it , including the doc. I make my salad dressing with it and extra virgin olive oil .  
moruga welder said:
i been taking a shot every morning for a year now , i use Braggs also.  I know quite a few people who use this and swears by it , including the doc. I make my salad dressing with it and extra virgin olive oil .  
I figure, i like how it tastes, so i got nothing to lose, right?
I hope you're on the mend now Smokemaster?

Although I can't quote the source right now as I am out walking the dog,I did read that eating a hot pepper could burn as much as 35 kcal.

My guess is that this would be massively influenced by tolerance and the heat or size of the pepper in question.

Another question I have is whether this takes into account the calories from the natural sugars in the pepper?

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diet and exercise for sure..don't like cardio? maybe you got bad knees..lift weights, as heavy as you can doing 8 rep sets (safely of course), it will keep the fat burning going for many hours after you finish your session.  a word about capsaicin: it may not speed up your metabolism, but it does a body good, very good.  i think someone mentioned above about it's positive effect on blood pressure helps reduce cholesterol, is excellent for digestion, can help cure ulcers(will iritate the fuck out of em at first..),  and the best thing about it-it can kill cancer cells!!  so eat your hot peppers! good and good for you!  before i got into these superhots i was having some heart pain and dizziness after/during physical exertion-no longer! i will say right now that eating these hot muthaf'ers will improve your quality of life..maybe even save it! :dance: :party: :fire:  (sorry to be so long-winded :silenced: )
Be in a calorie deficit at the end of evert week. You mentioned peanut butter. I wouldnt recommend it for losing weight. Although it is healthy food.