• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

stc3248's 2014 small wild grow

Well...after much debate between mama and I, WE (she) have come to the conclusion that I may have grown a few too many plants the past few seasons??? :whistle:  :crazy:
2012 I grew out about 70 plants not including the huge number of ornamental peppers which about doubled that number. I didn't regularly harvest the ornamental plants so I ain't counting those...and in spite of some virus issues I was able to put together an epic season. So epic in fact that I had to purchase a chest freezer to store all the excess pods for future processing. 

Here is one 2012 pull...I had numbers like this EVERY weekend! My season started (too) early and lasted until Christmas that year. I finally finished processing them just before I started pulling pods from my 2013 plants...
2013 was a "smaller" grow and in spite of my best efforts to keep the target of 20 keepers I promised the wife...I still ended up with over 50 plants. The "problem" in 2013 was...I really had no problems. My plants stayed healthy which meant...even more and bigger pulls...

A 2013 pull...

and another...
The hits once again kept on coming. Every weekend...thousands of pods. Which is a great freaking problem to have, but not according to mama. :stop:
So this year is gonna be a real deal small grow. I have talked her into letting me grow out 5 plants all of which are awesome wilds that I am super excited about. All 5 varieties are from John (Pr0digal_son) I have so many cool varieties left in the seed bank, but they'll have to wait until I have more time to dedicate to my garden and family. 
For the past two years I have been a "geobachelor" which is a military term for folks that are stationed away from their families. I am only home on weekends...so dedicating so much of my few days home for the past two years to my grow has really been kinda selfish. 
All that being said, I am still a grow addict...so I have talked her into allowing a few more "must have" varieties. So to my 5 wilds I will be adding a couple staple varieties...oh and wait, I am overwintering 7 plants...well really 11 but 4 are just ornamentals for Bonchi plants. :rofl:
One overwinter is my growdown winner Birgit's Locoto...

Official measurement for the contest was just over 11' tall. Seeds started on Valentines Day and final measurement on Halloween...fun contest. Haven't seen a growdown posted for this season??? Keep your eyes peeled folks, tons of fun!!!
Here is the list for 2014...

Well not really a list as much as a photo...started 4 seeds each.

Soaked overnight...

Into peat pellets...

and set in the magic temp zone on the heat mat...

I verify temps using a meat thermometer and will monitor until It stays in the right temp area. 

Temps slowly climbing for now...and there won't be much to report on for a while. These varieties are notorious for slow germination.
C. Tovarii 0/4
C. Exile Chacoense 0/4
C. Eximium 0/4
C. Galapagoense 0/4
Huge Rocopica 0/4
To those awesome varieties add the overwinters:
Birgits Locoto (3)
Romy Mystery Plant (2)
Pequin (1)
Goat's Weed (1)
Manzano (2) (still alive, but not attempting to overwinter...not gonna kill them on purpose though!!!)
I will also be sarting some Jals (Mucho Nacho) and Numex Big Jim's a bit later.
Here are links to my past two season's glogs...in case you're bored and have about a week to try to get through them both.
2012: http://thehotpepper.com/topic/27268-stc3248-just-another-grow-log-holiday-harvest/?hl=%20stc3248%20%202012
2013: http://thehotpepper.com/topic/36599-stc3248-2013-grow-log-seasons-greetings-and-seasons-end/
It for now folks...welcome to 2014!!! I will update when I can and show my growroom and the progress of the rest of the overwinter plants...Thanks for looking in, there are a ton of glogs this year! 
I dig that 1st shot of the Pequin.........the wrap around (shady) type lighting is most desirable for outdoor photography. You hit it with that shot.
Liking the Bonsai, looks like some new growth heading your way.
The Charapita is pushing out more spots of  growth than a teenager with acne.
Good luck with the next tallest growdown.  It sounds like the Aji Chuncho grows just as wide as tall.
Devv said:
Yeah it is, I think I'd die...LOL
Looks like a nice place to run!
At 40, I can run (read jog) a few miles with no issues. A 10K is pushing my limits (6ish miles). Shane's over the top running is beyond me. I have two BIL who train for marathons. Insane the amount of running they do and IIRC, Shane does more than that.  
stickman said:
Nice pics of the Pequins Shane! I was having some troubles starting the ones I got from you in Pro-mix so I started some more seeds in Horticubes since coheed had such good results germinating wilds in them. I think I got a little carried away since I started seeds for Pequins  I got from both you and smokemaster, plus Wild Brazil I got from you, Goat's Weed, Dilley Street Tamwork, and Chintexle. They're all wilds, so I don't think they'll take up all that much space in just one season, but needs must... I'll find homes for them. Cheers!
Haha...you're down with the sickness Rickster! Don't underestimate the size of some of those plants. They can take up more room than you think. That Wild Brazil is a sprawler, the Pequin makes a nice little shrub, but still every bit as big as your other annuums. If that Goat's Weed is from this years seeds it won't get huge, but it's a bit of a sprawler too. Don't know the other two, but be prepared. You could always keep them root bound in a smaller container vice going inground??? We had a Pequin tree in my backyard growing up that was well over 8' tall and 5' wide. It was that big when we moved into that house, and no telling how old. We lived there 6 years and it was still there. Trunk was about 6" in diameter!
maximumcapsicum said:
Peppers and running are great companions! Both bring you health and plenty of time outside. Great update!

Your bonchis are some of the best I've seen outside of fatalii.net. Going to be a pretty great album by the time you're putting it together. Any plans for your small harvest?
Fatalii is the master, and the inspiration for my little ones. He's also part of the reason I grow so many damn peppers now. I have always gardened, and grown peppers, but mostly Jals and Numex types and later on some Habs. I got some ornamental peppers a few years ago from my mom and thought they would look cool as Bonsai plants...add a little google and BAM! I saw his photos and was in awe. I browsed his seed selection and started reading about some of the crazy varieties...well add a little more google searching for more info on those and BAM found THP! Ha! I do love to be outside...and on the trails is my favorite. Ha...just realized that google got me into ultra running too! That's a whole 'nuther story though...
Spicegeist said:
ha, ok...  I go running sometimes too, but I usually go just over 5 miles every single time.
5 miles is a good run, and about the right distance for general health. Really all anyone ever needs to run. The longer distances although more challenging are more taxing on the system. I don't really "enjoy" the running part...after 10 or so miles it is no longer running, it is a test. I am fascinated with the punishment a human body can take and really want to know what the limit is???
maximumcapsicum said:
12 is alot of miles.
Ha...yeah it is. I almost always have to guess my distance because I run for a certain amount of time rather than miles. I will run for 3 hours...5 hours or before a major event maybe 10 or 12 hours. In 10 to 12 hours I will cover between 50 and 60 miles.
Devv said:
Yeah it is, I think I'd die...LOL
Looks like a nice place to run!
Scott...it is stunning up there. That spot is on the Pacific Crest Trail and once the sun comes up you can see the Salton Sea to the east and if you run down the trail a bit you can see San Diego to the west. Stunning views. About 6k ft of elevation there we ran down to just about sea level before heading back up. This weekend we will start on the other end and go uphill first and finish on the down.
PIC 1 said:
I dig that 1st shot of the Pequin.........the wrap around (shady) type lighting is most desirable for outdoor photography. You hit it with that shot.
Liking the Bonsai, looks like some new growth heading your way.
The Charapita is pushing out more spots of  growth than a teenager with acne.
Good luck with the next tallest growdown.  It sounds like the Aji Chuncho grows just as wide as tall.
Ha! I thought that pic was crap! Lol...I guess eye of the beholder. Both of my Bonsai plants are greening up nicely right now and need a bit of a haircut. I sure hope that Charapita comes out looking like I have it pictured in my head.
I have never grown a Frutescens before so this will be a learning experience. Sounds like a really cool plant...should be a powder and sauce factory!!!
Jeff H said:
At 40, I can run (read jog) a few miles with no issues. A 10K is pushing my limits (6ish miles). Shane's over the top running is beyond me. I have two BIL who train for marathons. Insane the amount of running they do and IIRC, Shane does more than that.  
Ha...jog, run whatever. During the ultra events...it's almost as much walking as running. Lol...
Ok...'nuff of that running stuff. Time for some pepper stuff. Still no action in the germ tray, and although I am confident I will have some pop...I am hedging my bets a bit. 

Here is my secondary method. I have had great luck with this method, but it usually takes a bit longer. I filled the containers about 3/4 full with my normal growing media...

I then topped off with Jiffy Seed Starting Mix. I sowed between 5 and 10 seeds in each one depending on how tough they are to germ. I also sowed my Annuums this way. Two types of Jals (Jalafuego and Mucho Nacho) and two types of Numex chiles (Big Jim and Joe E. Parker). These have mama's full blessing so no worries there. They are under the lights and on a heat mat...

Also got some more Bonchi supplies...

Yup...that plant in this little pot.

Roots trimmed...

Tops trimmed and into it's new home...this is an Explosive Ember.

Here it is with it's new neighbor the Charapita. I moved most of them inside because they've been getting beat down by the frosty nights and the Goat's Weed that's inside is really taking off...the look nice so mama approves.

Next up is another Numex Centennial...really great plants.

And in it's new Geisha sized shoe...

Here is the star of the show really starting to push out new growth...Goat's Weed...I wired this one today and started to reshape a little.
Back up to work tomorrow...hopefully some action by the time I get back Friday from the germ station!
Happy hump day y'all!
These are great Shane! Making my work look like slop! I am going to put in an order for bonsai pots next month I think, maybe as a reward for finishing another chapter. I am a bit worried though, they've basically stopped growing. I think they need more light, going dormant under the CFL. Sad, but it's a shady apartment and most my resources are directed at the babies right now.
I am going to start a Goat's Weed, purely because of the taste of the flakes Jamison sent me and these photos. Maybe I can compete with you next year!
GA Growhead said:
Just beautiful Shane!
Thanks J!!!
maximumcapsicum said:
These are great Shane! Making my work look like slop! I am going to put in an order for bonsai pots next month I think, maybe as a reward for finishing another chapter. I am a bit worried though, they've basically stopped growing. I think they need more light, going dormant under the CFL. Sad, but it's a shady apartment and most my resources are directed at the babies right now.
I am going to start a Goat's Weed, purely because of the taste of the flakes Jamison sent me and these photos. Maybe I can compete with you next year!
Your work ain't slop brother! Hey, once it warms up and they get some sunshine yours will start to push out and look good. If you have a south window you may consider putting them in it to soak up some real sun. Can't go wrong with the Goat's Weed. It is one of my absolute favorite plants. A bit hotter than a Cayenne, not as sweet, and perfect for powder and flakes. It is the chief ingredient in my rubs since it has a heat level that is usable without hurting anybody...but they'll damn sure know they're in there! Seedy pods much like a cayenne with thinner walls. Pod productoin is crazy and above all else the plant is stunning! As perdy as any ornamental out there. Silvery grey/green fuzzy leaves and fuzzy stems and dark green pods which shift to jet black when exposed to sun ripening to a stunning fire engine red. Here are some pics of this very plant during last season's grow...










Very cool plant...
stc3248 said:
Thanks J!!!
Your work ain't slop brother! Hey, once it warms up and they get some sunshine yours will start to push out and look good. If you have a south window you may consider putting them in it to soak up some real sun. Can't go wrong with the Goat's Weed. It is one of my absolute favorite plants. A bit hotter than a Cayenne, not as sweet, and perfect for powder and flakes. It is the chief ingredient in my rubs since it has a heat level that is usable without hurting anybody...but they'll damn sure know they're in there! Seedy pods much like a cayenne with thinner walls. Pod productoin is crazy and above all else the plant is stunning! As perdy as any ornamental out there. Silvery grey/green fuzzy leaves and fuzzy stems and dark green pods which shift to jet black when exposed to sun ripening to a stunning fire engine red. Here are some pics of this very plant during last season's grow...










Very cool plant...
Wow man thanks for the pics! I've been googling alot of the strains THPers have been sending me but its nice to see some straight from a the grower! Looking forward to it! Maybe I should plant too! Lol already over capacity.
Shane you're a machine! I'd die with a one mile run LMAO.

Very nice updates, those bonchis are looking good ;).

Have any of the other wilds popped yet? I had a CAP 1530 come out today and most show signs of life and the lances are just slowwww...

Hope they pop soon so we can compare pics and what not.

That Goat's Weed is a beautiful plant.  I had not given it sufficient consideration before your pictures.  Off to PL for yet another order. :crazy:
Nice work with the Bonsai Shane!
I can't believe that plants in such a small pot, so I guess the pot size will determine the plant.
The Goats Weed IS both beautiful and interesting. I reminds me of another type of plant, but I can't put my finger on it.
maximumcapsicum said:
Wow man thanks for the pics! I've been googling alot of the strains THPers have been sending me but its nice to see some straight from a the grower! Looking forward to it! Maybe I should plant too! Lol already over capacity.
Glad you likd them! What's one more seed??? Put it in the dirt!!!
Vegas_Chili said:
Shane you're a machine! I'd die with a one mile run LMAO.

Very nice updates, those bonchis are looking good ;).

Have any of the other wilds popped yet? I had a CAP 1530 come out today and most show signs of life and the lances are just slowwww...

Hope they pop soon so we can compare pics and what not.

Finally some action in the germ tray...news to follow.
Sawyer said:
That Goat's Weed is a beautiful plant.  I had not given it sufficient consideration before your pictures.  Off to PL for yet another order. :crazy:
It really is a beautiful plant...and a pod factory. Makes wonderful powder...
patrick said:
Down with the sickness? That's a good thing right? :P
Haha...I think we're all down with a sickness of some sort and a bit Disturbed to boot!!! :rofl:
maximumcapsicum said:
Goats weed is going into the pellet momentarily?
Ha! Like I said...what's one more seed??? :woohoo:
blorvak said:
Have some Goat's Weeds in pellets. Might need to start more, after seeing those pics!
One or two of them is plenty...they add a very nice contrast and are right at home as the center piece of a flower bed.
Devv said:
Nice work with the Bonsai Shane!
I can't believe that plants in such a small pot, so I guess the pot size will determine the plant.
The Goats Weed IS both beautiful and interesting. I reminds me of another type of plant, but I can't put my finger on it.
Thanks Scott!!! If they survive the initial cut they need food often to keep them going. Not much for them to feed on in there. Water a couple times a day once it gets warmer too...but they look so cool!!!
Well as I mentioned, I have my first hook!!! No pic yet, but there is a baby CGN 19198 C. Eximium in the germ tray!!!
Spent the weekend getting the plots ready. Since I didn't grow in ground last year I kinda let the gardens get out of hand. :rolleyes:  Well I payed for it this weekend...my back is killing me! But the plots are ready to go...





This whole upper garden looked like this...you can see where I started to clear in the upper left...

Same garden, upper portion cleared. The clumps of vegetation are Gazanias. I removed them all and worked the garden...

Here is the after...the yard got some attention after the garden was done...lol. Funny how the grass grows like crazy in the winter but is dead all summer here. Lettuce and turnips went in the ground up here today...

Here is the after of the entire upper area. The long narrow section will get the Numex types and Jals. 
I worked one more spot too...they all got the same treatment for now. Just manure, compost and peat moss. The plant sites will get a little time release and some perlite. We shall see how this works out...a bit nervous about the virus issues coming back. I let the soil rest and tried to keep the wild nightshade at bay, but I guess time will tell.

Porter still hates the plants...you see that brown stain along the wall right above the top of the containers and continuing all the way across? That's Porter's rub line...he uses this part of the house for his morning scratch...and them damn plants are in the way!!! I still have more Romy Mystery pods than I can count on each of these plants some are already air dried...

Finally here are the Bonchi plants, they're loving the warmth inside! 
Hope y'all had a great weekend. I have to work close to home tomorrow in San Diego, so I should be able to post up a pic or two of the new sprout if it gets it head above ground!!!
Edit...forgot to mention I planted 160 onion sets and some carrots as well...
Awesome work on the bonchi's! Really pulling for you they all take!

And nice work on the plots, I can't wait to get out into the yard!!

Wow, that goat's weed is an incredible looking plant. Awesome to hear it makes great powders as well. Will definitely be added to my Grow wish list for next year!
Looking awesome Shane ... loving the bonchi .... just out of interest what is the soil mix you are using for the bonchi pots??
Explosive embers and Aji Lemons have to be the most readily self seeding varieties I have seen ... if a pod falls you can be guaranteed a bunch of seedlings .  Looking forward to plant out time
stc3248 said:

Porter still hates the plants...you see that brown stain along the wall right above the top of the containers and continuing all the way across? That's Porter's rub line...he uses this part of the house for his morning scratch...and them damn plants are in the way!!! I still have more Romy Mystery pods than I can count on each of these plants some are already air dried...
Just caught up - this will be an interesting season to follow once again!
A few comments - but these are mostly repeats from others. I had to laugh at the need to purchase a new freezer. The hauls you've taken in the last few years have been epic, so I'm sure you're set for awhile.
I fully support the choice to 'make momma happy'. It is, however, much like watching an addict struggle with quitting as you try not to add too many things, and find an exception here and there. ;)

The bonchi's look pretty cool. That will be fun to follow.

Also, the effort to win the growdown - thanks for sharing that. Interesting to see what went into it. I'm growing a Birgit's this year because of you guys.

And then the Porter picture...
I'm just trying to get caught up on the glogs so I can post my new season glog this year, and here is Porter - and it feels like it's time to get going for real. Porter is back hating peppers. I need to get going. I love it.
Ground plots look good Shane. You're giving me the itch to start working on mine. Only problem is that there is 6" of snow and ice on them and the ground is frozen down about 18". I guess I'll have to wait a little longer. :rolleyes:
Bonchis are looking nice too. Any casualties or did they all survive the trimming?