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Stevie does the Wing Dome 7 alarm hot wing challenge

Still no comments???
This is no easy task!!!
The sauce was thick and very much of it!
The sauce contained
Ghost chilies, Habanero chilies, Jalapeno chilies, all topped with an unknown hot chili powder. You have to eat 7 wings in 7 minutes or less and eat all the lettuce underneath the wings.

Steve deserves more support and comments ;)
To give you guys a better idea.
This is Steves plate AFTER he couldnt make it any further.

Nigel said:
Dude, that sauce looks nasty. And I don`t mean very hot. 
Good job Steve, you are becoming a monster chilihead!!!
It was fairly hot especially after the first 3 wings
ArkansasJack said:
yes that sauce looks like spicy mud........................and stevie is looking like he can handle the heat so far.......................
Haha spicy mud about sums it up perfectly! Poor Stevie got really bad cap cramps :/
been there, puked that!  My sympathies to the dude and his intestines~~~
And despite what "they" say, 5 out of 5 of us experienced chileheads who did the challenge a few years ago say there's EXTRACT in that glop.!
edit- 5 of us did the challenge but there were other chileheads there who tasted the sauce and all said "extract".
Can't believe I missed this.  Wow, I agree with everyone else, that sauce looked terrible.  Heat is one thing, but just by the looks of it, the flavor would seem to be bad.  Steve you did marvelous my friend!  The wings themselves looked huge.  Can you say steroids?
I've watched a few vids of people doing this challenge. I think eating the warm soggy lettuce at the end would be the worst part. No thanks.
There's just way too much sauce and it's way too thick - I'm having a hard time watching this without getting nauseated. Plus the country music is hard to take as well. lol 
He's definitely doing it like a boss! 

ew - he scratched his head with those nasty saucy fingers?  lol