• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Stevie G's 2016 Grow

First time I have posted on this fantastic forum but not my first visit. I found this site quite a while ago looking for pest information and downright got glued to it. I love seeing others progress and using tips and tricks they provide. most times I just want to see some hot pepper plants....
I grow and live in MD and have had some quite successful years recently so I can no longer selfishly linger around this site without providing some of this home grown hot pepper delight.
I have battled aphids, thrips (this year has been the worst), fungal infections, bacterial, and everything else humid MD has to offer.
So here the GLOG goes. worst germination rates ever this year. I got creative and messed up and cooked the seeds. Whatever. Ordered some plants and kept the few stragglers alive.
Im rambling, so heres what I grow
Habaneros (favorite)
Carolina Reapers (growing well better than expected)
Tabasco (what carries my sauce )
and a lone giant thai
2 plants will be a surprise. I  Mixed up germ cubes but they grew well and I cant throw away good plants. Planted them and we shall see what they are. The options are kinda diverse so I have an idea of what they are but half the fun is discovering. Either reaper, chi chien, or some mexican ornamental (Based on leaves i have an idea but lets have some fun discussing). 
My overall philosophy is that  nature will take its course. Give them sun. Give them water. Give them nutrients. They will grow. Not a big pruner or topper. 
I'm taking pics now. Let me get to work and I shall share the plants.
Sorry for the delay. I got quite busy. Now I have what might be a silly question.

Do I need to become an extreme member to post pics or am I missing something to post them?

I think I know the answer but not sure...