• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Stickman's 2013 Glog - Time To Pull The Plug on 2013

I'm pulling things together to get ready for my next growing season. I bought NuMex variety seeds from Sandia Seed company in New Mexico, Hot Paper Lantern Habaneros and Antohi Romanians from Johnny's Select Seeds in Maine and Korean varieties from Evergreen Seeds in California. Due to the unbelievable generosity of a number of THP members I've also gotten seeds to a wide variety of chiles from around the world. Special thanks to BootsieB, stc3248, romy6, PaulG, SoCalChilehead, joynershotpeppers, highalt, cmpman1974, smokemaster, mygrassisblue, Mister No, chewi, KingDenniz, orrozconleche and most recently and spectacularly, Habanerohead with a great selection of superhots and peppers from Hungary!

There are eleven varieties of Hungarian peppers in here, mostly the early, thick-fleshed, sweet ones that range from white through yellow to purple and red.., plus Aji Lemon Drop, BJ Indian Carbon, Naga Morich, Bishop's Crown and TS CARDI Yellow! Now I just have to go through my seed bank and match the space available to what I want to grow. Thanks Balázs!
I'm definitely liking this Alfanerdz-strain Douglah I got from Trippa. For a Chinense, it's a fast grower... it already has 5 sets of true leaves and is working on a sixth. The nodes are very close together right now, but later in the season they'll extend the distance between them if they're anything like the Habaneros I grew last year. There's also the beginning of buds at each node for side branches.

I'm also liking the GH RapidStart nutes. Last year I supplemented with seaweed extracts when I watered the indoor seedlings, and they looked really happy, grew strong and had lots of flowers. Comparing this year's growth with last year's... they look even happier, and I expect them to grow even stronger. We'll see about the more flowers part later.
I've gotta say I think Pepperlover.com has exemplary service. I placed an order online on Saturday and it was here today just after noon... and Monday was a holiday. I ordered Golden Rocoto and Aji Panca, and she threw in a package of Datil seeds as a freebie. What can you folks from Fla tell me about them?

Things here are keeping on... Here's some of the chiles I'm keeping in the cellar...

Aji Criolla Sella...

Aji Omnicolor...

Kurtovska Kapia...

The Kapia peppers have as much growth below the surface as they do above...
Great updates Rick. You will love the datil pepper. Is has the heat of a orange hab with the flavor of a aji lemon slash scotch bonnet. Very crips cirtusy flavor followed by a nice back of throat burn that only last a few minutes. My only beef was they seem to really be a big bug magnet . And not in a good way. But I would grow them . They should be right up your ally for flavor and heat.
Never grown them??? I have some seeds, and considered it but they didn't make the cut. I have read up on them quite a bit and they are a love-em or hate-em pepper for folks. I guess their flavor strikes folks differently. Super productive and fast growing from what I remember, which would be a good combo for you I think!
Man, your little ones look stellar! Nice color, very compact, they are going to explode in the dirt! Wish you had some furry ones in the mix. I still have faith you'll get at least one going!
That Kapia has an outstanding root ball. It's really going to take off. So will the A-nerdz Douglah...those internodes will just stretch out, man. Glad to see your Aji Omni look like it does. I was looking at mine over the weekend and thought it looked chinense-ish. But it only has one bud per node. The leaves look very similar to yours.

Looking great, my friend!
That is a mighty fine looking plant! Very thick stalk and it looks like its just ready to put out leaves like crazy.

That is definitely great looking root growth!

Thanks for the kind words Stefan, I'm mostly happy with results so far.

More rocotos? You are a braver man than I am.

More like stubborn... :rolleyes: I'm just trying to widen the gene pool a little...

Dem all looking great Rick, love dat Alfanerdz-strain Douglah, hats off to Trippa!
Oh yeah... My hat's off to him too! I'm really looking forward to seeing how this one turns out.

Great updates Rick. You will love the datil pepper. Is has the heat of a orange hab with the flavor of a aji lemon slash scotch bonnet. Very crips cirtusy flavor followed by a nice back of throat burn that only last a few minutes. My only beef was they seem to really be a big bug magnet . And not in a good way. But I would grow them . They should be right up your ally for flavor and heat.
Thanks Jamie, that overview helps a lot. I don't know if the Datils would be bug magnets here. Experiencing winter isn't always bad... in this case, the cold really knocks out the soft-bodied sucking insects like aphids and mites

Never grown them??? I have some seeds, and considered it but they didn't make the cut. I have read up on them quite a bit and they are a love-em or hate-em pepper for folks. I guess their flavor strikes folks differently. Super productive and fast growing from what I remember, which would be a good combo for you I think!
Man, your little ones look stellar! Nice color, very compact, they are going to explode in the dirt! Wish you had some furry ones in the mix. I still have faith you'll get at least one going!
Thanks for the info on the Datils and the vote of confidence Chief! I'm gonna stick with the mission and try to pull this one off for sure. :idea: I'm beginning to wonder though, if i have some kind of fungal and/or bacterial issues. I think if I don't have at least one sprout by the end of the week I'll presoak in a 10% water/hydrogen peroxide solution to see if it makes a difference.

That Kapia has an outstanding root ball. It's really going to take off. So will the A-nerdz Douglah...those internodes will just stretch out, man. Glad to see your Aji Omni look like it does. I was looking at mine over the weekend and thought it looked chinense-ish. But it only has one bud per node. The leaves look very similar to yours.

Looking great, my friend!
Thanks Doc
I think my Omnicolor is growing like yours too... one leaf and one bud per node

Wow Stickman, that is really looking awesome my friend. These plants are going to be monsters once they get in the soil!
Thanks Lourens... If they get as tall and fruitful as yours I'll be a happy man!

Great lookin plants Sticky! Healthy babies!
Hi Jamison, Thanks for the kind words and stopping by!
What's up Rick! I have datil from two sources. One came from fresh pods gifted from a pepperrich purchase. His were low on the heat, less than habs for sure, and had an amazing flavor. Really yummy pods. Good call on that one!
Everything is looking good! Strong looking plants already! Good luck with the rocotos!
If you can get any rocotos to stick I want seeds from it for next year :)
Heh, if I get some to stick you can have them!... Seeds that is. ;) Just remind me... If I manage to get some to sprout, I don't expect to see ripe pods until around August.

What's up Rick! I have datil from two sources. One came from fresh pods gifted from a pepperrich purchase. His were low on the heat, less than habs for sure, and had an amazing flavor. Really yummy pods. Good call on that one!
Everything is looking good! Strong looking plants already! Good luck with the rocotos!
Thanks Jay, I appreciate the info and the good wishes!

Rick. You will one way or another get manzanos. Whether it be via shanes seed or Judy's or any other means.
Thanks for the vote of confidence DeNNiZ, I'll try to be worthy... :pray:
Geez those plants are looking much bigger then even a few days ago Rick!! They must be loving your environment!

I can't take too much/any credit for the genetics in that Douglah 'Alphanerdz' It is seed from my pods/plant but the original genetics are from THSC (as far as I am concerned) who sourced them from I am not sure where. Anyway regardless it is looking very nice!!
Datil ... My only beef was they seem to really be a big bug magnet . ...
QFT I gifted almost all of mine and the ones that stayed have been attacked by everything, not sure why but they have an extremely attractive color of green that stands out like a sore thumb.
Great updates Rick. You will love the datil pepper. Is has the heat of a orange hab with the flavor of a aji lemon slash scotch bonnet. Very crips cirtusy flavor followed by a nice back of throat burn that only last a few minutes. My only beef was they seem to really be a big bug magnet . And not in a good way. But I would grow them . They should be right up your ally for flavor and heat.

I have 6 Datils in and all 6 are up so we'll see how they do here in Orlando versus St Augistine where they seem to love life. Last year I put 10% used Coffee grounds in my soil and after they went into the 3 gallon pots I added some of the coffee tea while watering every couple of weeks. It's supposed to help with the bugs but with the plants getting sick last hear it's hard to say. I can say that I don't remember seeing any bugs around my plants last year. I'm repeating the process this year so we'll see what happens. If you want to try it just go by Starbucks and pick up some of their grounds for gardens (they're free).
... Last year I put 10% used Coffee grounds in my soil and after they went into the 3 gallon pots I added some of the coffee tea while watering every couple of weeks. It's supposed to help with the bugs but with the plants getting sick last hear it's hard to say. ...
I have loads of coffee grounds and mix into my soil as well but haven't ever tried to make the tea you speak of, can you link me or explain the recipe you use? Thanks in advance ^_^
Geez those plants are looking much bigger then even a few days ago Rick!! They must be loving your environment!

I can't take too much/any credit for the genetics in that Douglah 'Alphanerdz' It is seed from my pods/plant but the original genetics are from THSC (as far as I am concerned) who sourced them from I am not sure where. Anyway regardless it is looking very nice!!
Maybe not credit for developing the strain, but for finding and sharing the plant and the source... definitely! Cheers Mate, I appreciate it.
The plants have enough surface area now that they've passed the tipping point and are growing faster... it's feeling good, but not quite like "I've got pods" good... ;)

I got your packet in the mail today, and it's all good. Thanks for the seeds Trippa!

QFT I gifted almost all of mine and the ones that stayed have been attacked by everything, not sure why but they have an extremely attractive color of green that stands out like a sore thumb.
I have 6 Datils in and all 6 are up so we'll see how they do here in Orlando versus St Augistine where they seem to love life. Last year I put 10% used Coffee grounds in my soil and after they went into the 3 gallon pots I added some of the coffee tea while watering every couple of weeks. It's supposed to help with the bugs but with the plants getting sick last hear it's hard to say. I can say that I don't remember seeing any bugs around my plants last year. I'm repeating the process this year so we'll see what happens. If you want to try it just go by Starbucks and pick up some of their grounds for gardens (they're free).
I have loads of coffee grounds and mix into my soil as well but haven't ever tried to make the tea you speak of, can you link me or explain the recipe you use? Thanks in advance ^_^
Thanks for the input and the solution guys... I'll definitely keep it in mind if I get into problems. I have brewed coffee every morning, so I don't think I'll need to look outside for a source of supply... Cheers