• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Stickman's 2015 - That's All She Wrote...

Hi All! It's been an incredibly busy winter dealing with one thing and another, and it's only about half over here. :rolleyes:  Still, it's time to get on the stick and put my seeds in the dirt in preparation for plant-out in another 12 weeks or so. I have a Manzano over-wintering inside that's going on its third year. It's next to a sliding glass door with a great southern exposure but the light it gets here this time of year is pretty paltry... I expect it'll start to perk up sometime in March. I have a couple of MoA Scotch Bonnets over-wintering at a friend's house because there wasn't space in front of the sliding glass door for them and my wife's indoor plants... the deal is that if they both survive the winter, we'll split the plants. If not, he'll keep the one that lives. That seems fair since he did all the work. ;)
The rest of the list is looking like this...

Pubiscens Varieties
Total bust this year... nothing that germinated survived.


Hawaiian Bird chile

7-pot Yellow Turned out to be a red "Not"
MoA Scotch Bonnet
Beni Highlands... Also turned out to be a "Not"... maybe a Mako Akokrosade cross?
Ja Hab
Trinidad Perfume

Cabe Rawit (mouse turd pepper, in Singapore where the seeds were collected they're called Cili Padi)
Red Thai
Biggie Chile Anaheim

Poblano Gigantia
Jalapeno Ciclon
Jalapeno Tormenta
Serrano Tampiqueno
Hungarian Hot Wax
Ethiopian Brown Berbere
I'll also be planting a sweet Criolla de Cucina plants and about 20 sweet Kurtovska Kapijas. The Kapijas have the longest growing and ripening times of any Annuum I know, but they're big, meaty sweet peppers that average around a half a pound apiece... just the thing for making that eastern european condiment called Ajvar.
Too tired to say more now, but will pick up later... Cheers!
Ozzy2001 said:
My MOA's are very squatty and bushy. There were some of the first I germinated and were the biggest for quite awhile then they just started to sprall out. Even the one I put in a pot and have kept out of the cold is bushy.

Stickman your plants look great. My stuff Is pretty much in the same stage. My annums and Baccatums are all podded up and the Chinese vary from plant to plant. Keep up the good work and best of luck to you .
I have Brazilian Starfish Pods ! Somebody on here maybe ajijoe has a saying ( every pod is a victory)
Plantguy76 said:
Rick I noticed your growing Sesame plants ;) thats pretty cool I would not mind growing some where did you get them & what is your experiance with them?bo
I somehow missed them(or any other post or just forgot Doh! lol) but there looking awesome is it just the seed you can use or is it like mustard you can use the whole plant  basically? :fireball:  :onfire:  :hot:  :dance:
I got the seeds from Baker Creek Jason. They have both black and white varieties. http://www.rareseeds.com/sesame-light-seeded/
Mostly people just use the seeds in their food, but the plants can be used as animal fodder too. Due to a bad translation some folks think the Koreans use the leaves to make a kind of kimchi but they actually use the leaves from a kind of wild Shiso that they call Kkaennip. http://www.kitazawaseed.com/seeds_korean_shiso.html
Ozzy2001 said:
My MOA's are very squatty and bushy. There were some of the first I germinated and were the biggest for quite awhile then they just started to sprall out. Even the one I put in a pot and have kept out of the cold is bushy.

Stickman your plants look great. My stuff Is pretty much in the same stage. My annums and Baccatums are all podded up and the Chinese vary from plant to plant. Keep up the good work and best of luck to you .
Cheers Ozzie, and right back atcha! I'll have to stop by and check out your grow. :)
romy6 said:
 Great shots of those healthy plants Rick . Didn't take long to dial that camera in  :party:
Thanks Jamie! It's the first camera I've owned with a touch screen, and it surely simplifies things. I had to step the picture size down though, or it would have taken forever to upload them and used too much space on the cloud.

Plantguy76 said:
I have Brazilian Starfish Pods ! Somebody on here maybe ajijoe has a saying ( every pod is a victory)
Cool! That's not a variety I've grown before... good luck with it. The tagline is from PaulG. Cheers!
Seems I was mistaken about the first pod set on the Bhut Jalokia... looking down inside the (very) bushy plant I see more pods! This one's gonna be a producer for sure!

Another MoA Bonnet has kicked out its first pod, so it looks like they're underway now for sure.

Looking a little washed out, but a fully opened Manzano flower

To get ready for the day that the Bonnets ripen up I planted two pots of Thyme, and they're looking real happy now too.

To call in the friendlies so they can groom my plants of mites and aphids, I planted a couple of "Lemon Gem" Marigolds. They both look about like this...

TGIF and hope everybody has a great weekend!
Big doin's today... a friend of my Wife's is selling her house and wanted a 20-year-old Korean Lilac on the property to have a good home, so my Wife volunteered us as recipients. I dug a hole 5 feet wide in the front yard to receive it and then drove to the next county to dig up the bush which is about 7 feet tall now. Drove it back and got it set in the hole... we'll be taking it extremely easy this afternoon after back-filling... the root ball had to weigh about 400 pounds!
maximumcapsicum said:
Woohoo! Nice work with the lilac, and congrats on he MoA pod! Can't wait to see how they shape up... Did you grow from your own seed or isolate?
Thanks Adam! I've been nursing the seed I got from Ramon(walkgood) for three seasons now. It's pretty well played out so I'll have to hand-pollinate and sequester some flowers to get pure seed for next year.
KiNGDeNNiZ said:
Wow the raised beds look great. .. ans manzano pods in June. ??? Nice!!
Also nice moa.. I have 4 or 5 this season and are podding now. No A shape. But doesn't matter much for me
Cheers DeNNiZ! I have 6 MoA plants this year, and a couple of red JA Habs, so I've got the Caribbean thing down... :dance:  Have you ever grown Mako Akokrosade? I'm trying to figure out what my "not" Orange 7-Pot is, and I'm hoping it's either that or a cross with it.
Some pics from this morning's Dawn Patrol... Most of the Annuums have begun kicking out pods. Still waiting on the Ethiopian Brown Berbere, Almapaprika and Criolla de Cucina but the rest are producing.

Jalapeno Ciclon

Red Thais are at least blossoming

I'm gonna have to stake up the Leutshauer Paprikas since they're bending right over in a light breeze

"Pritamin" Hungarian Pimiento

"Nagykuti" Hungarian Pimiento

Hancock Shaker "Squash Pepper"
stickman said:
Cheers DeNNiZ! I have 6 MoA plants this year, and a couple of red JA Habs, so I've got the Caribbean thing down... :dance:  Have you ever grown Mako Akokrosade? I'm trying to figure out what my "not" Orange 7-Pot is, and I'm hoping it's either that or a cross with it.
Rick .. Ronan growing Mako Akokrosade he may well have a developed pod ... Scotch Bonnet and thyme am I missing out on something ... great to see your MoA pod flourishing
Trident chilli said:
Rick .. Ronan growing Mako Akokrosade he may well have a developed pod ... Scotch Bonnet and thyme am I missing out on something ... great to see your MoA pod flourishingll
Cheers John! I'll have to forward him some pics and see what he says.
The Bonnets and fresh thyme are essential to making jerk marinade. I also have lots of scallions growing in the garden for that purpose. When making Jerk, I make a cup's worth of rub first.
Jerk Rub
1 onion, finely chopped
1/2 cup finely chopped scallions, including tops
2 tsp fresh thyme leaves
2 tsp kosher salt
1 tsp ground allspice (use with a light touch... allspice can quickly overpower the dish)
1/4 tsp ground nutmeg
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
4 to 6 Scotch Bonnet or Habanero chiles, minced fine
1 tsp freshly ground black pepper
Using a blender or mortar and pestle, combine all ingredients and grind to a paste. The rub keeps in a tightly capped container in the 'fridge for about a month.
Then, when I want to make a batch of jerk chicken, I freshen the flavors up with the addition of a few more ingredients, marinate and grill the chicken. It's up to you whether or not you want to cut the chicken into serving pieces or spatchcock it, but if I'm cooking for a crowd I like to spatchcock the chicken since it doesn't take up as much space on the grill.
Jerk Chicken Marinade
1/2 cup of Jerk Rub
1 onion, finely chopped
1 Scotch Bonnet or Habanero pepper, finely minced, or 2 tbsp hot pepper sauce (optional, omit for less heat)
Leaves from a fresh thyme sprig, minced
2 scallions, including tops, finely chopped
1 chicken, 3 to 3-1/2 pounds
Mix together ingredients for the marinade. Rub the chicken well all over, cover and refrigerate for 4-6 hours.
Prepare a low fire on a charcoal grill using a combination of charcoal and pimiento wood. Apple or Hickory wood may be substituted.
If using a gas grill, preheat to 225 degrees to 250 degrees farenheit.
Place chicken on the grill and cook covered, for 1 to 1-1/2 hours, turning every 10 minutes or so. Chicken's done when it becomes very dark, juices run clear when the chicken's pierced, and internal temperature reaches 160 degrees F.
I don't use any brown sugar in my Jerk marinades any more, or other ingredients like rum. Simplest is best I think.
Plants look good Rick. Thanks for the recipe's. Lilac bush is massive. I've seen the rootball of some of them. I don't know how you did it. Your making my back hurt as we speak. All I can say is Arnica up, as well as a good message and you should feel better. Hope you had a good weekend.

Have a good week brother.
OCD Chilehead said:
Plants look good Rick. Thanks for the recipe's. Lilac bush is massive. I've seen the rootball of some of them. I don't know how you did it. Your making my back hurt as we speak. All I can say is Arnica up, as well as a good message and you should feel better. Hope you had a good weekend.

Have a good week brother.
S'right brother... I don't think I'm exaggerating the weight of the root ball because it took 4 adults to drag the  :censored: thing across the lawn on a tarp! Yes to the Arnica and yes to having my wife beat me afterwards... she's good at that! ;)  Cheers!
Penny said:
Those all look great Rick!!
Cheers Miz Penny...thanks for stopping by!  how are things up your way?
Trident chilli said:
Rick thank you ever so much for the Jerk Marinade recipe ... sounds great .. last set of pics interesting varieties ... Growing Jalapeño Ciclon myself one of Stephan's for the longest/fattest challenge ... mine is a little on the small side ... Ronan is in with a good chance with his selection
Sho 'nuff John... eat it in good health! :)
A few pics from today's garden patrol...
First fork and flower buds on one of the "Zavory" sweet Habaneros

Also one of the Trinidad Perfumes. This is a good feeling for me since the one I planted last year didn't make it.

The larger of the Hawaiian Bird Fruts... go, go, go...

Both of the Ethiopian Brown Berbere plants have set pods now.

"Tormenta" Jalapenos finally making blossoms

Hungarian Hot Wax "Hargita" kicking out the pods... these make the best sandwich pickles cold-packed with a little good olive oil.

And bringing up the rear... both Russian Orange slicing tomatoes are kicking out the fruit! I like this macro shot... gotta practice more so I can try to get all my pics to look this good...

Have a good Monday all!
Hiya Rick....
Its going to be a bad year I'm afraid. It seems like every 6 or 7 years we go through a "cycle:" up here and this is it. We've had soooooo much rain and cool temps that some plants just gave up and I had to pull them. :rolleyes:
Love the look of the Ethiopian pods. Did some reading and they sound like an exciting variety. Looking forward to watching them develop.

Keep the posts coming man! Happy growin.
OCD Chilehead said:
Plants looking happy. Nice pics. Looks like your getting your camera figured out.

Always good vibes here. Thanks!

Have a great week.
Cheers Chuck! We had another day of rain yesterday and will have a few more of sun through the weekend... life is good! Have a great week yourself. :)
Penny said:
Hiya Rick....
Its going to be a bad year I'm afraid. It seems like every 6 or 7 years we go through a "cycle:" up here and this is it. We've had soooooo much rain and cool temps that some plants just gave up and I had to pull them. :rolleyes:
Sorry to hear that Miz Penny. :(  Here's hoping July and August warm up for you so you can get a decent crop. Have you ever thought of using plasticulture for your tomatoes and peppers? I give mine an early start that way, and it provides a warmer microclimate for them to grow in.
maximumcapsicum said:
Love the look of the Ethiopian pods. Did some reading and they sound like an exciting variety. Looking forward to watching them develop.

Keep the posts coming man! Happy growin.
Cheers Adam! I'm looking forward to checking them out too. :drooling:
Here's a few pics from this morning's Dawn Patrol...
Prik Kee Nu is pumping out lots of flowers and tiny pods

Red Thai is beginning to set pods as well

Tabasco is starting to catch up and make flower buds

Criolla de Cucina

The Almapaprika is starting to set pods

Kurtovska Kapija pods... these likely won't ripen until the end of August or early September... around peach harvesting time.

"Biggie Chile" Anaheims ready for harvest

Inner perimeter security on duty

This macro setting emphasizes greens and blues so you can't see the color well, but these Sungold cherry tomatoes are beginning to ripen.

And one last "non" shot of some "Red Gem" marigold flowers in my Wife's flower garden. Have a great day all!
It's always a pleasure to take a walk through your garden Rick. Everything is looking so fresh and alive I'm hankering for a really good salad now!
Thanks for posting up the Jerk recipes. I'll have to make 2 versions though and substitute some nonhots in for the rest of the family :) You don't add any oil to them, or maybe rub down the chicken with some Olive Oil before putting the rub on or in the Marinade? 
BTW, those green tomatoes get a little bigger they'll be great for frying up
Happy 4th Brother!
Looks like you've got the right lighting for the pics. I like morning and evening pics, when the sun is just coming up or down. Prik is branching out well. Would make a nice Bonchi.