• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Stickman's 2015 - That's All She Wrote...

Hi All! It's been an incredibly busy winter dealing with one thing and another, and it's only about half over here. :rolleyes:  Still, it's time to get on the stick and put my seeds in the dirt in preparation for plant-out in another 12 weeks or so. I have a Manzano over-wintering inside that's going on its third year. It's next to a sliding glass door with a great southern exposure but the light it gets here this time of year is pretty paltry... I expect it'll start to perk up sometime in March. I have a couple of MoA Scotch Bonnets over-wintering at a friend's house because there wasn't space in front of the sliding glass door for them and my wife's indoor plants... the deal is that if they both survive the winter, we'll split the plants. If not, he'll keep the one that lives. That seems fair since he did all the work. ;)
The rest of the list is looking like this...

Pubiscens Varieties
Total bust this year... nothing that germinated survived.


Hawaiian Bird chile

7-pot Yellow Turned out to be a red "Not"
MoA Scotch Bonnet
Beni Highlands... Also turned out to be a "Not"... maybe a Mako Akokrosade cross?
Ja Hab
Trinidad Perfume

Cabe Rawit (mouse turd pepper, in Singapore where the seeds were collected they're called Cili Padi)
Red Thai
Biggie Chile Anaheim

Poblano Gigantia
Jalapeno Ciclon
Jalapeno Tormenta
Serrano Tampiqueno
Hungarian Hot Wax
Ethiopian Brown Berbere
I'll also be planting a sweet Criolla de Cucina plants and about 20 sweet Kurtovska Kapijas. The Kapijas have the longest growing and ripening times of any Annuum I know, but they're big, meaty sweet peppers that average around a half a pound apiece... just the thing for making that eastern european condiment called Ajvar.
Too tired to say more now, but will pick up later... Cheers!
Looking good, Rick.  It'll be time to move those babies outdoors before you know it.  Maybe I already asked this, but when is your usual last frost date?  I'm looking at mid-April here.
PaulG said:
Wow, Rick, sounds like you are getting serious there!
Glad to see the hooks continue to come up for ya.  I'm
done with germination here - still no Bird's Eye, but I put
the dome in the grow shelf  instead of on the heat mat,
and we'll see what happens
Thanks Paul! I hear ya 'bout the wilds... I'm still waiting for my C. Chacoense, the large Mexican varieties and the rest of the Pubes to germinate... everything else is up.
PeriPeri said:
lol Buddy, if it helps I will check in more often... wish that were as true for my own efforts! I remember it was an amazing grower... I hope it grows true for you again this season buddy!
Cheers Lourens! I'm hoping for another Nabasco plant like last year's it made a dynamite Louisiana-style hot sauce!
Pinoy83 said:
thats what im talking about food porn and new born babies.....your on  :onfire:  :onfire:  :onfire:  :onfire:  :onfire:  :onfire:
You're in Pineapple-growing country Jericson... you aught to try it too. Do you have any Anaheim types planted this year?
It has been a few days since I've checked in on your grow and thing are moving along nicely under the perma frost.  Wonderful list of interesting varieties in the second round of seeds, will be following to see what the pepper look like for sure.  Have faith that the winter is almost over and keep the food and pepper updates coming.  Nice looking grow you have started there Rick.
Sawyer said:
Looking good, Rick.  It'll be time to move those babies outdoors before you know it.  Maybe I already asked this, but when is your usual last frost date?  I'm looking at mid-April here.
Maybe another couple of months before I plant out John... at least 7 weeks for sure. Our last frost date is May 26th, but I've managed to transplant outside by the end of April the last few years by using plasticulture methods. It really gives me a jump on the season here.
Pepper Ridge Farm said:
It has been a few days since I've checked in on your grow and thing are moving along nicely under the perma frost.  Wonderful list of interesting varieties in the second round of seeds, will be following to see what the pepper look like for sure.  Have faith that the winter is almost over and keep the food and pepper updates coming.  Nice looking grow you have started there Rick.
Thanks Cappy! I'll try not to disappoint. ;)
Do you need some more snow up there? I think we still have about 5 to 7 inches on the ground I could have shipped up. :) The good news is we might actually see normal temps this week....50's!
Glad to see your grow taking off, almost killed 1/2 mine yesterday hahahah. Forgot to water them.
JoynersHotPeppers said:
Do you need some more snow up there? I think we still have about 5 to 7 inches on the ground I could have shipped up. :) The good news is we might actually see normal temps this week....50's!
Glad to see your grow taking off, almost killed 1/2 mine yesterday hahahah. Forgot to water them.
I think we prefer the status quo Chris. ;)  Glad to hear things are warming up and beginning to melt off for you. We had about 3 feet on the ground a couple of weeks ago, and the cold, dry wind was blowing it around. The last week and a half has mostly been below freezing during the day but the sun has still managed to melt off a foot of it. They're predicting temps in the 40s here this week and we sure won't complain!
Nice save in the grow room, I think we've all done that at one time or another.
My Mouse Turd peppers and Kritings are up, so it looks like my Thais are off to a flying start.  Cheers!
The crosses are a Primo X ??? that surprised me two years ago and the other one is the Romy Mystery (tree hab) X Goat's Weed. First couple tries at that one produced some of the best of both plants. Tall at over 6' with blackening pods on furry branches. Cool plant!!! Once I get them figured out I will share them with you guys.
stc3248 said:
The crosses are a Primo X ??? that surprised me two years ago and the other one is the Romy Mystery (tree hab) X Goat's Weed. First couple tries at that one produced some of the best of both plants. Tall at over 6' with blackening pods on furry branches. Cool plant!!! Once I get them figured out I will share them with you guys.
Very cool Shane! I was wondering what the mystery pods of Jamie's were.
First hook from the Big Jim Anaheims this morning... still waiting on the Poblanos, Mulatos, Pasillas and Chacoense.
The snow has been melting and the Maple sap running all week, so I'd guess early spring has finally arrived here! :onfire:  We got so much snow at the end that it's gonna take at least a couple of weeks for it to melt, and the ground can't thaw until the snow melts, but it feels good to have the process underway!
First round plants are beginning to show true leaves, and when they get a little bigger, I'll cull out the ones I won't be repotting and put the rest in bigger shoes.



I don't have the same pheno as you on the Nabasco, but I am getting very long tabasco like phenos. So I have also added these to my Tabasco mix... I am sure they will bump that heat beautifully :D
Brown Eggs are from North Africa? Ethiopia I believe? Sounds awesome... I will be watchng these for sure :)
I've been slacking, and am trying to catch up ;)
Nice to read about the snow going away. One cool thing is the soil will be nice and moist.
You continue to have new babies pop. Can't beat that!
Have a great weekend!
Spicegeist said:
I see the Rocoto Inca label there... is that one from me?  I'm curious about the Piri Piri Mozambique... is that one from Lourens?
PeriPeri said:
:D  Guilty as charged...
Rick, them seedlinks are going bananas buddy... awesome line up for the season buddy!
Right on both counts Charles. Thanks for the "tip-in" Lourens... I've been too busy this past week to pay much attention to my glog... :rolleyes:
PaulG said:
Right on, Rick!  Have you grown the
Brown Eggs before?  I don't remember.
No, I haven't Paul... I planted a whole packet of seeds I got from the developer of the BOC, but none germinated. I got some great seed from Sawyer, and I'm looking forward to growing them this season.
PeriPeri said:
I don't have the same pheno as you on the Nabasco, but I am getting very long tabasco like phenos. So I have also added these to my Tabasco mix... I am sure they will bump that heat beautifully :D
Brown Eggs are from North Africa? Ethiopia I believe? Sounds awesome... I will be watchng these for sure :)
Cheers Lourens! It sounds like you know more about the variety than I do. :)  If your Nabasco pods are anything like mine, they sure will!
Devv said:
I've been slacking, and am trying to catch up ;)
Nice to read about the snow going away. One cool thing is the soil will be nice and moist.
You continue to have new babies pop. Can't beat that!
Have a great weekend!
Thanks Scott! You should be transplanting in-ground about now, no?
Lookin good there Rick! I'm interested to see how that brown bbg7 turns out, don't think I've seen one yet. Glad to hear that spring is peeking it's head in your neck of the woods. Were finally stabilizing down here, won't be too long before plant out.
Quick question, how long do you usually wait to harden off? 3 sets of leaves? More?
twilliams386 said:
Lookin good there Rick! I'm interested to see how that brown bbg7 turns out, don't think I've seen one yet. Glad to hear that spring is peeking it's head in your neck of the woods. Were finally stabilizing down here, won't be too long before plant out.
Quick question, how long do you usually wait to harden off? 3 sets of leaves? More?
That sounds about right Tom, I don't keep track of that kind of thing, I just put the plants out at the appropriate time and they're at least that size when I do. Cheers!
It's still pretty cold down in my basement... holding at around 40 degrees F (4.4 degrees C) and I decided to do something about it since the seedlings are growing so slowly. I got a relatively cheap electric heater with a thermostatic control and a fan to help the air circulation in the grow box at the same time. Now it's averaging about 80 degrees F inside the box (26 degrees C) and I'm beginning to get a bit more growth in the growbox.

A Manzano seedling from the round 2 sowing and another Costa Rican Yellow Pubiscens from round 1

A Mulato Isleno, an Ancho Gigantea and 4 Big Jim Anaheims

One of Ramon's red JA Habaneros from a couple of years ago

Hopefully now the seedlings will put out their true leaves a little quicker so I can cull out the midgets and get them into bigger shoes.

I planted a few peat plugs of Summer Savory that are putting out cotys now, but the Za'atar I sowed a little before that are just beginning to put out true leaves.

Yesterday I also started some Tomatoes for me, but many more for my Mom. She's leaving tomorrow to visit with her sister who is recovering from a stroke, so I'm helping out by starting them for her now. I also sowed some herbs and flowers for my wife so spring better get here on time! :)
stickman said:
No, I haven't Paul... I planted a whole packet of seeds I got from the developer of the BOC, but none germinated. I got some great seed from Sawyer, and I'm looking forward to growing them this season.
Looking good, Rick.  To give credit where due, those Brown Egg seeds I sent originally came from Jason (GA Growhead).  I started some last year, but they never made it into the ground or larger pots, so this year will be my first experience growing them all the way to fruit, too.